Mozilla Firefox 6.0 And 3.6.20 Pushed To Release FTP Server
The official release date for the next stable version of the Firefox web browser is August 16. This is also the day when all other channels move a version up, so to speak. Beta users will move to version 7 of the browser, Aurora users to 8 and Nightly users likely to version 9.
The majority of Firefox users is subscribed to the stable channel. The latest official version of that channel is Firefox 5.0.1 which will be updated to Firefox 6 on Tuesday.
But Firefox Stable is not the only channel that has received an update that is already available on the Mozilla ftp server. The Firefox 3.6.x branch is still actively maintained, and users of that branch will be quite happy that their version of the Internet browser receives an update as well. Firefox 3.6.20 is also available on the ftp server.
Firefox users who do not want to wait that long can download the new version of Firefox can download the new versions from one of the official mirror servers like this one.
Cautious users should wait until the release is officially announced on the Mozilla site and via the automatic update option of the web browser itself. It is unlikely that we will see last minute changes but it has happened in the past.
So what is new in Firefox 6? The official release log has not been updated yet. The beta changelog lists the following changes:
The address bar now highlights the domain of the website you're visiting
Streamlined the look of the site identity block
Added support for the latest draft version of WebSockets with a prefixed API
Added support for EventSource / server-sent events
Added support for window.matchMedia
Added Scratchpad, an interactive JavaScript prototyping environment
Added a new Web Developer menu item and moved development-related items into it
Improved usability of the Web Console
Improved the discoverability of Firefox Sync
Reduced browser startup time when using Panorama
The full list of changes of Firefox 6 is available here.
Only the beta release notes are available for Firefox 3.6.20 as well. The list is considerably shorter: The developers have fixed security and stability issues, and enabled downloadable font support for users running Mac OS X 10.7.
Big changes and features that will make an impact are already implemented and tested in Firefox 7. This is the version of the browser that will reduce memory usage significantly on many systems. (see Firefox 7 Aurora Shows Significant Memory Usage Improvements). (via)
Updated to 3.6.20,now when i start firefox it always
1. opens “” even though i have set start page as blank and homepage as
2. enables smooth scrolling.
every single time!!!
This gets annoying having 2 tabs open up every time, how do I get rid of the
page and just have my home page set to open as chosen.
Frank, are your preferences saved, for instance a new homepage setting or a layout change?
Orca browser has not updated over one year while firefox updates frequently in this year.
I hope orca browser update soon and also hope firefox slow your step .after all, not every user likes always updating in a short time
Or simply, Install Add-on Compatibility Reporter:
Another way, go to about:config -> New Boolean -> extensions.checkCompatibility.6.0 and set to false.
Can anyone verify this ?
He said that: Breaking News: According to the last reports, Firefox 8 will be the last release of the browser from Mozilla. Google acquired all there was to acquire and will close it for good soon. Finally, Firefox users can simply use Google Chrome and stop lying to themselves.
That is true or not ?
I think that is not true up to 99%.
That’s bogus, Mozilla will continue development.
Yes this will be the final version; however you will notice that a few addons will not have been updated to “compatible”. These few days before final release are normally reserved to get as many of these updated before general release.
If you happen to upgrade and notice your fav addon isn’t compatible, it most likely is. Download the xpi, open it with 7zip and edit the install.rdf. Look for the max version and change to 6.0.* and voila.
At least this means that the release date of August 16th will probably prove fairly accurate. Cheers for letting us (me) know Martin. :o)
I think that while it’s great that the new changes are described, it is
totally unnecessary to highlight how to get the new versions before
the official release.
If I’d run 3.6.19 I would like to update right away to 3.6.20 to fix security vulnerabilities. If you do not, then that’s your decision.
That’s what i’m saying i update to ff 6.0 thanks!, they always put the final binare in the ftp days before the official release and always is the same have the same md5 signature.
is always the same, this will be the final release and you will see. has it all, even 6.0 FRench …
So, one step ahead, time flies :)
Strangely enough, the mirror you linked to will not allow 6 to be downloaded, I got a full screen saying that they were not finished with it yet!
Softpedia has the Firefox 6.0 English online