Improve Firefox's History With From Where To Where

The Firefox history lists all web pages that have been visited by you in chronological order. What you do not see is how you got there, and how and if the history pages are interlinked.
The Firefox add-on From Where To Where collects those information and makes them available in the browser. This can be helpful in numerous occasions, for instance to re-open that helpful resource page that lead you to the current page, or a specific search page.
While that's also possible with the standard history, it may not be as easy with it, especially so if you cannot remember the title or url of the web page you are looking for.
With From Where To Where, you only need to know one page that you have opened after or before you opened the page you are looking for to find it. Plus, you can bookmark the page of the extension to open it directly in a browser tab.
You open the extension in a new tab via the Alt-key -> Tools -> FromWhereToWhere menu. The page features a search on top that you can use to find a specific page title or url.
The history that is then displayed to you is threaded, exactly in the order that you have visited those pages. You can use the display to retrace your browsing steps to find the specific page again that you have been wanting to find.
You can open pages directly with a double-click. The history structure remains even if you open pages that way. This is unlike the structure of Firefox's default history which moves newly opened web properties to the top of the list.
The extension runs locally in the browser which is reassuring for privacy conscious users who do not want to give third parties access to their browsing history.
From Where To Where integrates with the popular extension Scrapbook. All links that have been added to Scrapbook by the user are highlighted in the extension for easier identification.
Link suggestions can be provided by the extension as well. You can select the option from the Tools menu. Related and interesting links are directly shown in an overlay on the page if the option is activated. You may need to click the Refresh button once before the links are displayed.
From Where To Where is available from the official Mozilla Firefox add-on repository. You find usage examples and detailed instructions there as well. The add-on is compatible with all versions of Firefox from Firefox 3.5 on.
Update: The developer has added new features to the extension recently. It is now possible to export the browsing history to a HTML file for example which you can be useful for safe keeping.

Dear Martin,
thanks a lot for this great introductory post about my addon. Really glad to see the ‘link suggestion’ feature is also mentioned, which I consider potentially more ‘useful’ for everyday browsing.
I do want to point out a point that might be a little misleading in the beginning:
“The Firefox add-on From Where To Where collects those information and makes the available in the browser.”
Just to clarify, FromWhereToWhere DOESN’T collect any browsing history, and you DON’T have to install it in order to get those linked history. The history is already recorded and kept by Firefox if you let it (more detail about customizing browsing history in another post on the addon in MakeUseOf), and the ‘history searching’ feature is merely visualizing the interlinked history.
Thanks again for your review. Looking forward to any critics or suggestion.
FromWhereToWhere developer,
Xuan Wu.