Google Eliminates Google Video Deadline, Service Stays Online

Google recently made the announcement that they would shut down their video hosting service Google Video for good.
I have covered the announcement in Google Video Closing Down, What You Need To Know. Google posted two deadlines: The service would shut down for visitors on April 29 which meant that it would no longer be possible to search for and watch videos on the Google Video website or websites that have embedded videos from the service.
Content producers had two additional weeks to download their videos to their local computer before that option would be eliminated as well. On May 13, Google Video would be shut down completely.
In a surprising turn of events, Google today announced that they have eliminated both deadlines based on user feedback. I'd love to say that the decision had something to do with my recent article Why You Need To Protect Your Data In The Cloud, but that's wishful thinking. Still, the arguments brought forth in the article are likely similar.
So, Google Video is not shutting down right now. The April 29 deadline is eliminated which means that you can continue using the service as a visitor after that date.
That said, it is still Google's plan to close down Google Video but they want to provide their users with a better migration experience.
One thing that I did not understand back then was that they did not offer a way to move your uploaded videos to your YouTube account. It is likely that many Google Video uploaders have YouTube accounts as well.
Google has added an Upload Videos to YouTube option on the Google Video status page which can be used to upload all videos to YouTube. This works if you have both a Google Video and YouTube account. Users without a YouTube account need to create one before they can migrate the videos to YouTube.
The option to upload videos to YouTube should have been there in the first place. It is great to see that Google realized that and added the option to Google Video.
Google Video will still close down eventually, but users now have more options and time to preserve videos either by downloading them to the local system or uploading them directly to YouTube. (via Youtube Blog)
Whatever happens they should be preserving what is undoubtedly a valuable video archive. As it it they’re just going to make people jump through hoops and the data is just going to be sitting on the same hard disks when the dust settles.
Deano hit the head on the nail — they should just transit the service over to the new branding ‘youtube’ on their own and be done with it — shutting down the google video service in the way they were approaching it was/is just silly….at least the option to transit is there now but I imagine many users will not learn this in time or will not take (or have ) the time needed. In the end its all a brand transit….but perhaps there is some specific legal language google used in the upload agreement that makes them have to do it this way — that is possible as well…
yeah! it seems to dawndraw of google vedia
good article , but youtube is the best