Change The Firefox Default Zoom Level

Firefox, like any other web browser, offers options to zoom in or out of a web page temporarily which can be useful if a website uses fonts that are either to large or to small. Another use for it is to increase the font size if high-definition displays are used.
Two of the biggest complaints about Firefox's zooming feature are the inabilities to save zoom levels for future browsing sessions and to set a custom zoom level for individual websites by default.
Update: The browser extension is no longer available. You may use the alternative Fixed Zoom instead to set a default zoom level globally or for individual websites.. End
Default FullZoom Level is a handy add-on for Firefox 3.6 and later that offers to resolve both issues and more. Its first feature is the option to set a specific default zoom level. Users who want bigger fonts for instance can increase the zoom level to 125 or 150, or any percentage value in between.
The opposite is possible as well, any number below 100 would make the font on the screen smaller. The effect is immediate and valid for all web pages in the browser. Even better, the zoom level is automatically set to the selected value on every start of the browser.
This means that you can set a different default zoom level from Firefox's default display without ever having to worry again that it will be reset.
Another bonus: Default FullZoom Level remembers site specific zoom levels which makes it useful even for Firefox users who do not want to change the default zoom level for all websites. Users just need to change the zoom level on an individual web page (for instance by using Ctrl-mousewheel or Ctrl- or Ctrl+) to make the changed zoom level the default from then on.
The browser remembers all custom zoom levels that you have set in it, so that sites will always be displayed in that level when you open them.
The same is possible for locally saved files. Changing the default zoom level and setting custom zoom levels for specific websites is already very useful, but the extension offers additional features that may be interesting for some users.
The Fit To Windows options can be used to automatically fit the zoom level to the open window with options to define a minimum and maximum zoom level automatically.
Default FullZoom Level is a handy Firefox extension for users who regularly use the zoom feature in the browser or wish that the browser had an option to set a new default zoom level.

Well as of 30/10/2019, i also wanted to change this to have a certain zoom fixed for my monitor, to easy to read text more fluently.
While i’ve read the posts here about extension, i think i have found a way to set a fixed zoom level WITHOUT the use of any addon.
In the advanced settings ( about:config ) => search for “zoom” => Last two lines should be zoom.maxpercent and zoom.minpercent
There you can set the value you want to fixate the zoom level. for my instance i am most comfortable to read at 70% zoom so i set 70% as the value for BOTH max and min percentages
Testing with opening a new window and instant jumps to 70% and remains there. Works for me.
While i realize this has the flaw of removing any zoom functionality at all, i think it can also work with zoom if you, depending if you zoom out most of the time or zoom in, to set the value closest to the number 100% to your standard value you want and then lower or higher which way you want to zoom.
It will most likely open windows at the zoomlevel that closest to 100%
Hopes this will solve some peoples troubles, others probaly not.
Martin, why you didn’t pick which is a Recommended addon by Mozilla?
No apparent reason, yours seems to be a good fit as well.
I found this one, its recommended by Mozilla. What do you think of it?
It says:
“Zoom Page WE are implemented using the new WebExtensions API and is available for both Firefox and Chrome with identical functions and user interfaces.”
When I read that it is implemented using the new WebExtensions API, I got hesitant to install it.
But is it okay?
Thank you.
I would not really mind that if it provides the functionality that you require. Why not take it for a test ride and see how it does?
Martin, in fact, the addon you mentioned is better. The pity is that it doesn’t have an export tool.
This extension is apparently no longer available.
You are right. I fixed this by linking to a similar extension. Thank you!
Edit Firefox default browser zoom setting as follows:
Enter about:config in the location bar to access the advanced preferences.
Look for extensions.browser.zoom.fullZoom.default and edit the ‘value;’ 100 for 100 percent zoom.
I think NoSquint is a better add-on for this purpose.