Firefox Extension Options Menu Add-On

Many Firefox extensions come with an options page to customize their behavior, interface or functionality.
These pages are sometimes accessible through context menus if an icon of the extension is displayed in the Firefox interface.
Most of the time however no direct access is available which means that users have to open the Firefox add-on manager to open the options of the extension there.
This is not the most user friendly way, especially if the options need to be accessed regularly.
Extension Options Menu is a Firefox add-on that provides quick access to all option pages and windows of installed Firefox extensions.
A new entry is added to the Tools menu by default which offers faster access to the extension configuration pages. You can open it with a tap on the Alt-key and the selection of Tools in the menu bar that opens up afterwards.
A click on an entry in the new context window opens the options page or window in the web browser.
It is furthermore possible to add quick access to the options menu to one of the Firefox toolbars. This is done by right-clicking free space in one of the visible Firefox toolbars and selecting Customize from the options in the context menu.
A new window opens with icons. It is now necessary to locate Extension Options (should be located near the end of the listing) and drag and drop the icon to the desired location in one of the toolbars.
Placing the icon in one of the toolbars improves the accessibility further, as it is now possible to access the option windows of all installed extensions with just two clicks. A right-click on the new icon opens the Firefox add-on manager, another handy feature.
A blacklist feature is available that you can use to block extensions from showing up in the menu. This can be useful if you have lots of add-ons installed but need access to only some options pages and not all of them.
Another interesting option that you need to enable in the preferences is to enable or disable extensions using right-click or Ctrl left-click operations in the listing.
You find additional options in the preferences like listing add-on versions, showing items with no options or incompatible items.
Extension Options Menu is exclusively available for all recent versions of Firefox. It can be installed directly on the project page at the Firefox extension gallery.

I have this menu item from notorious MR Tech Toolkit (and, I think, additional toolbar button for the same function is provided by it too)
This extension looks quite useful. Thanks, Martin.
need this for Opera :)