Youtube Homepage As It Was Meant To Be Userscript

Martin Brinkmann
Jan 21, 2011
Updated • Mar 30, 2014
Firefox, userscripts, Youtube

YouTube recently changed the homepage after an initial tryout phase. The developers "removed some of the less-used modules such as "Videos Being Watched Now", moved modules like featured videos to the right side to make "room for a combined list of personally relevant videos made up of recommendations for you, your subscriptions activity, and videos being shared by your friends".

With change comes criticism, especially on sites with millions of users. The official announcement post has about 400 user comments right now of which the majority are negative.

What is being criticized? The two main points are linked to subscriptions and the user inbox, for instance that the homepage is now showing videos liked or favorites one is subscribed to, or that users with lots of subscriptions need to scroll a lot more vertically.

Update: Please note that the userscript is not working anymore on the most recent version of YouTube. It has not been updated for several years now and appears to be abandoned by its author. You can read about the most recent changes on YouTube here.

I suggest you check out the recommendations posted in that article to access specific pages on YouTube directly. There does not seem to be an option right now to modify the YouTube homepage the way the reviewed script did in the past. We have removed the link to the script as a consequence.

Continued: YouTube homepage as it was meant to be is a free userscript that changes the YouTube homepage slightly. It removes some elements on the homepage including Spotlight Videos and Trends. Users who are missing direct information of their inbox on the homepage get those information back. The userscript places inbox information, including the number of unread messages for each type of message on the YouTube homepage again.

The script is not taking care of all the layout changes though. YouTube homepage as it was meant to be is available for direct installation at the website.


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  1. Coleen Parsons said on March 23, 2012 at 12:26 pm

    I can’t log on or find were my username, help please

  2. seenu said on January 22, 2011 at 9:13 am

    google is doing experiments on youtube. Now the video ads are being displayed while watching videos.

    1. pitman said on January 23, 2011 at 12:27 pm

      Adblock is your friend.

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