Permanently Delete Files In Windows Explorer With RightDelete

RightDelete is a free program for the Windows operating system that allows you to delete files permanently on Windows PCs.
It is sometimes necessary to delete files permanently from a computer system. It may be after you have read a business document on a public computer, watched or viewed media on a work computer, or to prevent family members from accessing files on a home computer that you don't want them to access.
There are a lot of programs out there that can delete files permanently, so that they cannot be accessed nor recovered on the PC. Among the programs that can perform the operation are Eraser, which can erase all data from free space, or secure delete for Linux.
RightDelete offers another options. The portable program can add Windows Explorer context menu options to delete files permanently on the computer system.
The software program displays a simple selection menu on startup. Here it is possible to add the secure deletion entry to the Windows Explorer menu either directly or as a SendTo link. The third option available is to create a desktop shortcut link. The changes are visible right away without restarts.
- Explorer context menu file/folder links: This will add 'Securely delete this file' or 'Securely delete this folder' to the context menu, depending on object selected.
- Explorer context menu SendTo link: This will add a SendTo link to the context menu titled 'Secure file deletion'.
- Desktop shortcut link: Will add a shortcut to the desktop titled 'Secure delete' which you can drag and drop files onto.
RightDelete can only handle one object, be it a single file or folder via the standard context menu entry. Users who need to permanently delete multiple files or folders can either use the SendTo menu or the desktop shortcut by dragging and dropping files onto the icon. Empty folders are automatically deleted at the end of the operation.
The main benefit of RightDelete is its simplicity. Just configure it once and right-click the files that you want to permanently delete. It does not get a lot easier than this.
RightDelete has been tested on a 64-bit edition of Windows 7 Professional. The portable software should be compatible with other Microsoft operating systems as well.
Closing Words
RightDelete is a simple program that does not offer any configuration options whatsoever. No option to change the number of overwrites, and no information that the process is not reliable when you try to delete files stored on a Solid State Drive.
The program is no longer offered on the developer's website. We have uploaded the latest release version of the program to our own server. Please note that we have done so for archiving purposes, and don't support the program in any way.
You can download RightDelete with a click on the following link: (Download Removed)

WOW It’s nice