Fortitude HTTP Is A Local Web Server For Windows

Martin Brinkmann
Jun 17, 2010
Internet, Software, Windows, Windows software

Many web developers run local web servers to test website changes without affecting the live websites on the Internet. They can also be used for numerous other purposes from offering access to files or information in a local network to creating the next Facebook or Google.

Whatever it is they allow the developer or user to create, modify or offer contents locally in a safe environment. We have covered quite a few free server applications in the past including Windows File Server, the Apache server Wampserver and the Home Web Server

All had in common that they were relatively easy to setup and configure. Fortitude HTTP is another web server for the Windows operating system that makes a web server available on Windows after installation.

The web server is immediately functional after installation and it is possible to connect to example websites by pointing the web browser to http://localhost/.

fortitude http web server
fortitude http web server

The http management console is used to configure the web server locally. It displays the hosted websites, their settings and global settings in the left sidebar.

host website
host website

New websites can be added easily by right-clicking the websites entry and selecting Configure from the context menu. Here it is possible to delete, add and edit websites.

A name, port, root directory and description can be added in the web site creation menu. Each website can be configured individually from a maximum connection limit and buffer size to the server admin email, root login details, scripting engines (supported are python, php, perl and vbs), SSI and CGI.

The global settings are identical to the local ones, with the difference that they are applicable for all web servers.

The only thing missing is a database server like MySQL which needs to be installed separately.

Fortitude HTTP is an easy to setup web server for Windows. The lack of MySQL or a comparable database makes is negative, everything else is there to get started developing or maintaining websites right away.

The web server is available for 32-bit and 64-bit editions of the Microsoft Windows operating system.


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  1. Josh said on February 9, 2011 at 2:35 am

    Why would it not support cURL?

  2. gin said on June 19, 2010 at 7:43 pm

    ben,lemme guess…no,i don’t :D

  3. ben said on June 18, 2010 at 2:12 am

    Does it support curl?

    I’m looking either to host, or have hosted, a web page that is capable of running my curl script. Incidentally, the curl script creates a file on the drive.

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