Burn your newly purchased Ubuntu One Music Store Music

Jack Wallen
Apr 16, 2010
Updated • Dec 5, 2012

I'm on a roll with Ubuntu One Music Store and I thought I would finish it by showing you how to burn those purchases songs/albums onto CD. Of course, if you haven't already, you will want to check out the previous two articles: Manager your Ubuntu One Account, and Ubuntu One Music Store has arrived. Those articles will show you how to Purchase music from the store and your Ubuntu One accounts. But after you've purchased those songs and/or albums, you might want to burn them onto CD - this article will show you how to do just that.


The only assumptions this article makes is that you 1) have a working Ubuntu One account and 2) you have a CD burner available. If you do not have a CD burner, you could always just copy that music to an external hard drive or make it available to others with the help of a DAAP server...but that's another issue.

NOTE: I quickly discovered that, out of the box, Rhythmbox still doesn't support MP3 playback. This is a bit of a shock since this is the file type that the Ubuntu One Music Store files are sold as. Fear not, you will be prompted to install the proper plugin.

Where did those files go?

One of the first issues you will come across is locating your music. You might assume the music to be in either ~/Music or ~/Downloads. It's not. It's carefully "hidden" in ~/.ubuntuone/Purchased from Ubuntu One. This gave me pause for two reasons: 1) That they tried to obfuscate the purchased music and 2) that they used spaces in a directory name (bad form there). As far as I have found, there is no way to change this directory.  You can, however, access those files from the Ubuntu One web interface and you can download the files to wherever you want.

Let's burn

Now that you know the location of the files, the most obvious choice for burning them would be to use a standard burning software, like Brasero or K3B. You can do that if you like, especially if you just want to copy those MP3 files as "data" files. But if you want to burn an audio cd, why not just do it from within Rhythmbox? You can do that. Here's how:

  1. Select the songs you want to burn (use <Ctrl> to select multiple songs as per normal).
  2. Right click and select Add to Playlist.
  3. Select New Playlist.
  4. Give the Playlist a name.
  5. After the files have copied into the new playlist (this happens almost instantly), right-click the playlist and select Create Audio CD.
  6. Let the magic happen.

This "magic" is thanks to communication between Rhythmbox and Brasero via a plugin.

Now you might be victim of a current bug that's plaguing Rhythmbox. If nothing happens (you get no feedback whatsoever) you suffer from this bug. If so, run an update and see if this fixes the issue. This is a known issue and will hopefully be resolved soon. If you do not suffer from this issue, congratulations, you just burned your first audio CD in Rhythmbox.


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  1. H Dee said on April 17, 2010 at 5:15 am

    Or you could post them somewhere and everyone could download them. Or better yet if you had an IQ above 10 you’d already have all the MP3’s through ‘other channels’. Is this 1999 all of a sudden? No.

  2. Paul said on April 16, 2010 at 7:51 pm

    Burn baby burn!

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