National Geographic Wallpaper Downloader Updated

The National Geographic Wallpaper Downloader has been initially released in December of last year. The application back then allowed users to download hundreds of National Geographic wallpapers in an automated process.
All that had to be done in version 1.0 of the wallpaper downloader was to select the years and the desired resolution, and the program would take care of the rest.
Version 2.0 of the NatGeo Wallpaper Downloader has just been released and it comes with several interesting new features and additions. The still portable software program will now display options to download wallpapers in categories which are again divided into National Geographic Magazine Wallpapers and National Geographic Website Wallpapers.
NatGeo Wallpaper Downloader
The magazine wallpaper categories include wallpapers from the years 2007, 2008, 2009 as well as wallpapers from the International photography contests of 2009 and 2008.
Website wallpapers include the categories photography, animals, science, kids and environment. The developer of the program promised to add more categories such as history, adventure, traveler or sea monsters to the next version of the National Geographic Wallpaper Downloader.
Some or all of the categories can be selected for download. The wallpaper count of each category is also displayed to give you an impression of the number of wallpapers that will be downloaded to the local system.
A wallpaper resolution selector becomes available after selecting a wallpaper category for download with the resolutions ranging from 1600x1200 to 800x600. Most categories only offer 1280x960 or 1280x1024 as the maximum resolution which is a bit unfortunate for users with high resolution computer monitors.
Available now are thousands of wallpapers. This count varies depending on the selected resolution. The last available setting is the download path for all the selected wallpapers
A click on the Start Download button will initiate the download. This can take some time depending on the user's Internet connection and number of wallpapers that have been selected for download.
NatGeo Wallpaper Downloader is a free and portable software program for the Windows operating system.
Update: The developer site is no longer available. We have uploaded the latest working version of the application to our own server.
Please note that we don't support it in any way. The program has not been updated for a long while, but it seems to work just fine. The latest wallpapers it can download date back to 2009 though.
To download the program, click on the following link: (Download Removed)
Another option that you have is to visit the National Geographic Desktop Wallpaper Archive. Simply select a month and year on the page, and browse the selection of available wallpaper images. You may also want to visit the Desktop Wallpaper listing on the site which holds additional wallpaper images that you can download.
While those need to be downloaded manually one by one, it is the only option right now to download newer wallpaper images from the National Geographic website.

Interesting opinion though I disagree. There may be people that download stuff and don´t even see them, that´s a real shame. However that doesn´t have to be the case. I record several radio station online and that way I discover new songs / artists, I use a pref that doesn´t record the songs I´ve already downloaded making it possible to actually listen each song. It would ´ve been impossible for me to know the tons of great music / songs I know now If I had to manually search for each song or listen to one radio station and take note of the song names…. ! A mean come on, the possibility to discover tons of new great stuff with this easy it´s just amazing! When it comes to wallpapers / images really it´s a pain to browse the galleries to get the ones you like through several clicks each, or have you ever tried in the past to get the NatGeo wallpapers one by one? Well I have as well with the NASA and Hubble pictures and man it´s not funny. Other than that when you are done with the downloading and selecting process you may enjoy them everytime you want :D and dream and perceive the details and if you are more interested in the story behind the picture rather than the picture itself, well then you shall visit the picture´s website. IMHO.
There is something I dislike with this way of downloading photos as if they were marshmallows, in a way I perceive as stuffing. Compare to discovering them one by one in the magazine, sometimes dreaming for a while on this picture, on that landscape, on a color or on a light. And here, stuffing hundreds of what have been each a photograph’s window…
I shall not live this way I feel as disgusting. Like downloading music or video by tons, in an industrial way, most of will never be listened, viewed. This, ladies and gentlemen, is the decadence of modern times. Don’t count me in.