Automatically Cycle Tabs In Google Chrome

A web browser can sometimes be used passively instead of actively. Think of opening a website or page that displays automatically updating status information. You do not need to interact with that page at all while the information on the page do get updated automatically.
Examples where this may be useful are news sites, finance sites, or forums and other places where users interact with each other.
Revolver Tabs is a Google Chrome extension that aids users who need to open multiple websites in Google Chrome that they need or want to display, but do not need to use actively at all.
The extension can automatically flip through all open tabs regularly so that each tab is shown in the web browser for a set amount of time.
Automatically Cycle Tabs In Google Chrome
This was created for using Google Chrome full-screen to power unattended screens like kiosks or tv displays where rotating dynamic/live web content is needed.
The extension cycles through all open tabs in ten second intervals by default, and reloads the content of the active page each time. This is an automated process that requires no user interaction at all.
You may change the default behavior in the options that the extension ships with. You may change the interval from 10 seconds to another one, for instance 60 seconds. Additionally, you may disable the automatic reloading of pages when tabs get activated. This can be useful if the page content does not change at all.
The functionality that the extension provides is enabled and turned off with a click on the icon it places in Chrome's address bar. It is used to toggle the functionality so to speak.
Revolver is an interesting extension for users who want to display information provided by multiple pages in a chrome window. You could run it on a secondary monitor for instance, or as a display unit for presentation purposes.
While it is designed with multiple tabs in mind, it can as well be used to display content of a single website that is / or is not reloaded regularly.
The extension is compatible with Google Chrome 4 and newer, and can be downloaded from the official Google Chrome extension gallery.
Revolver Tabs can be a useful extension for Chrome users who want to browse a set of web pages passively, or want to display those web pages passively on a screen.

Revolver tabs tends to suck up all the memory on a machine and crashes chrome after a few hours
Thank you. I was looking for either a Firefox or Chrome extension to do this, but it’s tough to find the right search terms.
I’m setting up a developer dashboard for my team.