Create Computer Profiles With Quick Config

Quick Config is a software program for Windows machines that uses profiles to apply preferences to different computer systems it is run on.
It can be used to create computer profiles that can be activated with one click of the mouse button.
These computer profiles contain computer environment specific configurations that the computer user would have to setup manually otherwise.
In short: it enables you to create profiles for different devices or even the same computer that change important preferences such as network settings, the homepage of supported Internet browsers, the desktop settings and default applications.
Quick Config
The first step after starting the program -- it is available as a portable version and setup version --Â is to create a new profile.
Each profile consists of basic profile information like a name or description, plus application, network, system, browser and desktop specific configurations which can but do not have to be different from the current setup.
Quick Setup pulls the information from the current system by default which makes the process convenient.
Here are the configuration settings that can be edited in the program:
- Network connections: TCP/IP settings (IP address, mask, gateway, DNS server, MAC), state of network connection
- Computer identification: computer name, domain or workgroup membership
- Mapped Network Drives: map, unmap network drives
- Shared resources: share, unshare local resources
- Hosts file
- Routing table
- Sound: sound volume, sound theme
- Printer: set default printer
- Services: start, stop, restart system services
- Registry: add Registry keys.
Internet Browser
- Internet Explorer: network connection settings, Home Page
- Firefox: network connection settings, Home Page
- Opera: network connection settings, Home Page
- Chrome: network connection settings, Home Page
- Display: screen dimensions, color depth
- Default applications: default Internet Browser, E-Mail client
- Launch applications: launch selected applications after applying profile
Each computer configuration profile will be displayed in the application's main interface where it can be selected and activated. You can apply different icons to each profile and assign them to groups for easier identification (e.g. a home, work and travel group).
The program can be very helpful to users who work in different computer environments as settings will be adjusted quickly when you select a profile that you have created previously.
While the profile creation may take some time depending on your requirements, it is a one-time process for each machine that you require different preferences on.
Closing Words
Quick Config is provided as a portable version and an installer. Since it is portable, you can carry it around with you on a USB Flash Drive or any other data storage unit to run it on any computer running a flavor of Microsoft Windows.
The software is compatible with most versions of the Microsoft Windows operating system including Windows 10. It can be downloaded from the developer's website over at Intelloware.

the portable version doesn’t work fine in my XP (and some other user); maybe some problem with fonts and language. ithe interface displays only “?” characters instead of normal fonts.
see here:
This issue has been fixed in a new version
This seem really handy for companies. Do you know if this will work across a Network by anychance?
If not – please contact us :)
Will it work for a non-admin account? Could it be configured to give a pick-list of profiles and simply applied by a ‘Limited User’
QC will work for a non-admin account if you choose during installation to install “Quick Config Service”. This service applys settings which required admin access rights.