Internet Explorer Emergency Patch Download

Martin Brinkmann
Jan 21, 2010
Updated • May 30, 2016

Update: Microsoft has added the patch to Windows Update which means that all users of the operating system who use the service should have it installed by now. It is not an issue in newer versions of windows that came out after the patch was discovered.

Microsoft has released a security patch for Internet Explorer that fixes a critical issue in the web browser. The emergency patch for the Internet Explorer web browser has been uploaded to various Microsoft properties but is not yet available via Windows Update.

The patch fixes a vulnerability that has been exploited in recent time, and is currently considered such a severe security risk that some governments recommended switching from Internet Explorer to other web browsers to protect computer systems against attacks.

The vulnerability has also been used in an attack earlier this month on several popular US companies including Google and Adobe. The patch does not seem to have been made available via Windows Update yet but it is available for download and it is highly suggested to download it as soon as possible. This is likely to happen in the next couple of hours.

The patch should be installed on Windows devices even if Internet Explorer is not used for browsing as Internet Explorer's rendering engine may be used by third-party programs.

Windows users are encouraged to download the patch from the appropriate support pages to close the vulnerability in their computer system.

Users with Internet Explorer 6, Windows Server 2003 or Windows Server 2008 can find the whole list of patches at Internet Explorer 6 and IE 7 users should also consider updating their web browser to Internet Explorer 8 if possible.

Update 2: Additional information about the vulnerability are available on Microsoft's Knowledgebase.


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  1. Anonymous said on January 23, 2010 at 9:32 pm

    windows explorer constantly crashes when I connect to google. I am using and so far no crashes. goggle spoiled me years ago – I would hate to think I am going to have to give it up… and retrain myself to using something different.

  2. abc said on January 22, 2010 at 9:14 am

    Many of us i’m sure had done the same,but there are some popular programs (nero,Media Monkey,..feed readers) who use IE components..making you vulnerable without probably realising it..

  3. Will said on January 22, 2010 at 6:13 am

    France and germany told theyre people to use FireFox for the meanwhile , im sure alot will stick with it.

  4. DanTe said on January 21, 2010 at 9:40 pm

    I have patched Internet Explorer a long time ago:

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