Change DNS Servers With DNS Jumper

Martin Brinkmann
Dec 14, 2009
Updated • Dec 31, 2016
Software, Windows software

DNS Jumper is a free portable program for Microsoft Windows that you can use to quickly switch between different DNS servers.

DNS and DNS servers have been pushed into the mainstream with Google's announcement that they have released public DNS servers to speed up computer user access to the Internet.

We have already published tips in the past how to benchmark DNS to find the fastest and most reliable one from all the public DNS services that are offered by various organizations and companies.

While it is not difficult to change DNS servers in the operating system, it does require some knowledge as to what they need to be changed to, and users need to know where to find the option as well.

So, users need to know the IP addresses or hostnames of DNS servers they want to use, and know how to make the changes to the operating system.

While that is surely no problem for experienced users, it may be problematic for less experienced users considering that the changes need to be made deep in the system.

DNS Jumper

dns jumper

DNS Jumper is a free and portable software program that assists users by providing a one-click system to change DNS servers in Windows.

The application displays a list of DNS servers that can be activated with the click of the mouse button.

Available DNS server range from Google DNS over Open DNS to Ultra DNS, Level 3, Open NIC to the default DNS server of the system.

Changing DNS servers is therefor a breeze with DNS Jumper. The program does on the other hand lack relevant information and a configuration to edit the available DNS servers. DNS Jumper can be downloaded from the the author's website.

Update: Recent versions of the application offer additional features such as speed testing all provided DNS servers to find the fastest available one or switching DNS servers automatically on system start.

The program has come a long way ever since it was first released and is one of the best programs of its kind for the Windows operating system currently.

You can apply the changes to all network adapters on the device, or only to a network adapter you specify. Other new features include editing the list of DNS servers to add your own custom ones to the list, and to remove some servers from the list that you don't want to use at all or that are no longer working.

The program is without doubt one of the easiest programs of its kind. Not only is it portable -- you can run it from any location -- it does ship with a list of DNS servers including popular choices such as Google Public DNS, Ultra DNS, or Open DNS.

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  1. velociraptor said on July 10, 2010 at 9:45 pm

    Dns jumper v1.04


    [COLOR=”Red”][B]What`s New:[/B]

    1. [ Fixed ] – Antivirus “False Positive” Problems (No UPX and No more False Positive)
    2. [ Fixed ] – Doesn’t work on some Vista / windows 7
    3. [ Fixed ] – Doesn’t work on some x64 systems
    4. [ Fixed ] – Doesn’t work on PE (Preinstalled) Environment
    5. [ Fixed ] – Doesn’t recognise some Wlan Cards
    6. Update function added (Press i – info button and then press Update check button)
    7. Backup and restore added (if Dns jumper v1.0.4 First time run, Automatically back up your dns settings) , if you want to restore your settings select Restore (under choose a free DNS Service) and Press apply button
    8. Languages preinstalled
    9. fastest DNS – a bit improved
    10. More Dns (17 to 32) 15 new
    11. No problem with USB modems (till now)
    12. cmd suport added
    13. if dns jumper doesn’t recognise your Network card (very rare) can still change dns server settings (choose all Network Cards and press Apply dns button)
    14. German Language added
    15. a few minor visual changes

    CRC32: 4703E887
    MD5: 35E94061CA67104D2B01EFF076384384
    SHA-1: 50F16FEED61CB948360BC81974DE57579023FB81

    [B]Dns jumper is Portable and Freeware[/B]



  2. velociraptor said on January 27, 2010 at 11:09 pm
  3. Jojo said on January 27, 2010 at 9:50 pm

    @velociraptor – Cany ou make the download in ZIP format also (seems to be only in RAR format now)?

  4. velociraptor said on January 27, 2010 at 4:11 pm

    new version of DNS jumper (v1.0.3) is released

    DNS Jumper v1.0.3
    Author: Velociraptor , BlueLife
    Coder: BlueLife

    CRC32: 58BA8681
    MD5: 177CE030D3520056E92A7B6555070347
    SHA-1: E787CD1E003C745B1DB1A868768A22AFE54B34DB


    1. You can choose your network card
    2. Very customizable : such as ,you can add or delete a dns
    3. You can change the language (edit DnsJumper.ini)
    4. You can customize dns manually
    5. Program tests Dns ip`s and measure its reaction time
    6. Flush Dns button added (/flushdns )
    7. fastes Dns test added (tests dns reaction times and write best one)



  5. DukislavSync said on December 15, 2009 at 5:21 pm

    …UltraDNS – wrong address ?

  6. Transcontinental said on December 15, 2009 at 10:24 am

    On one hand, the “Fiber Download” website doesn’t have a good reputation (Browser Defender, Norton Safe Web, WOT all rate it risky at least), on the other hand DNS servers not being configurable leads this application, in my case, to an early morning yawn.

  7. Jojo said on December 14, 2009 at 11:55 pm

    1. I don’t like when software comes form some place other than the author’s own site. It looks like the original author may be Russian and I view anything form Russia or China as suspicious until proven otherwise.

    2. But I still couldn’t get the download to kick off on Fibedrdownload.

    1. velociraptor said on December 15, 2009 at 10:27 pm
  8. Womble said on December 14, 2009 at 10:31 pm

    @hpearce It doesn’t interact with the router so the answer is yes.

    This is really a cool Idea especially at this time, I can just about find my way to do it manually but it requires more effort than I’d like. any other experienced users who skipped Vista have a hard time finding their way around Win7 now?

    Maybe there’s an article in that Martin “Is Windows 7 interface ergonomic?” Hmm do you accept guest submissions?

    Sorry I appear to be going completely of the rails here.

    Back on topic people!

  9. h0nd1z said on December 14, 2009 at 8:24 pm


  10. hpearce said on December 14, 2009 at 6:05 pm

    does it work for wireless router too ?

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