Microsoft Will Upgrade Its Bing Search Engine This Fall

Martin Brinkmann
Sep 11, 2009
Updated • Dec 10, 2012
Microsoft, Search

Microsoft's introduction of its Bing search engine has revived search engine competition it seems. Bing did receive some praise since its introduction, and Google has since then reacted by offering search engine users a preview of their upcoming search engine technologies in the form of the sandboxed search engine Caffeine, and a limited test run of Ajax powered search which is delivering search results faster to the user.

Twitter has been full of messages about Microsoft's coming upgrade of their Bing search engine. Most messages suggest a release this fall with some suspecting a release as early as the coming week. Only sparse information are provided about the changes that Microsoft is introducing in Bing 2.0. Some noteworthy ones are:

Silverlight powered Bing 2.0 on its way this month?: That's the message coming out of yesterdays annual company

BING 2.0 terrific !! watch out guys ! bing + silverlight in maps = amazing !! goodbye google

It has to be noted that the tweets are coming out of Microsoft's company meeting which suggest that most original information are provided by Microsoft employees. Microsoft on the other hand did not officially comment on the messages that have been posted.

It is also unknown if the search result quality has been improved as well, or if only selected modules of the search engine have been optimized and improved. Guess we have to wait at least another week before we know for sure. What would you like to see in the new version of the search engine?


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  1. Genisis said on September 12, 2009 at 6:09 pm

    Is That All You Have Time For Is To Complain About Superfluous Things Like Article Titles?

    STFU and get a life. Martin does a fantastic job with this site and doesn’t need some one critiquing his work or how many capitols he use in his titles.

    Martin could use capitols in the entire article and he would still be doing a better job than you ever could.

  2. Dave said on September 11, 2009 at 4:10 pm

    Does Every Word In The Article’s Title Really Need To Be Capitalised?

    It’s Rather Jarring When Some of the articles Do It And Others don’t

  3. Asgaro said on September 11, 2009 at 12:54 pm

    What would you like to see in the new version of the search engine?

    Ha! Nothing can beat tits!

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