5 Things Linux does better than Windows

Jack Wallen
Apr 27, 2009
Updated • Dec 5, 2012

We've started the debate. We've discussed 5 Reasons you should switch to Linux right now, and 5 Good reasons to switch to Linux. Now it's time to up the ante and discuss some of the things Linux does better than Windows.

Some of you may scoff and say "There is nothing Linux does better than Windows." To that I would say you might want to reconsider that opinion. We all know (or at least I hope we know) that every operating system has its strengths and weaknesses. Many of you may have never really considered the strengths of Linux. Well, it's time you did, and I am going to help you with that process.

The list below is in no particular order.

1. Evolve. After ten plus years of working with Linux I have seen few set backs. Each release of the various distributions has, nearly without fail, been a step forward. Trying to recall when a release has been a bump in the road akin to Vista or Windows ME has me drawing a blank. Yes Ubuntu had some performance issues with 7 and 8 but those issues didn't cause either of the releases to suffer.

The Linux kernel itself has been nothing less than a grand climb uphill that gets easier and easier. What was once a large hurdle to most users, the Linux kernel has become almost an afterthought. And if you take a look at the evolution of the Linux desktop you can see a perfect example of how a PC interface should evolve. Although KDE took a minor step back with the initial release of 4, it quickly recovered with grace and aplomb.

The evolution of Windows hasn't be nearly as smooth. With service packs causing major issues left and right, and...well...Vista.

2. Interoperability. Let's face it, Windows plays well with Windows. That's it. If you attempt to introduce a foreign object into your Windows-only network you're in for a long day. Linux, however, plays well with just about every operating system out there. Just try to find an operating system Linux can't communicate with and I will gladly say "I was wrong." I have yet to find an operating system that can not communicate, in one way or another, with Linux. I have found plenty, however, that can not communicate with Windows without having to add either third party software or a bridging piece of hardware.

3. Package management. To say that Windows actually manages packages is a joke. You know that portion of the Control Panel in Windows that says Add/Remove Software? How exactly do you do the Add part? Do you click on that and then check the repository of some 23,000 different applications to purchase? Oh no, you actually purchase your software and that software uses one of the different installation systems to install the package. There is no centralized repository. There is no package "management". Linux, however, has true package management. Synaptic, apt, yum, Yumex, rpm...Linux has package management that makes the installation and removal of applications a snap.

4. Flexibility. One of the greatest things about Linux is that if it doesn't work the way you want it to...change it, or find a different way of doing things. I have tackled the same task in Linux many different ways, each way had it's pros and cons. But the best thing about it was I could do it differently. I could find an application to handle a task, I could write a script to handle a task, I could piece together various applications to handle a task...you name it, the field is wide open. Even the kernel itself. If I don't want the kernel to load a module I can recompile the kernel myself. I can fine-tune a kernel to meet very specific needs. With Linux there are no limitations.

5. Desktop. Many users just use their PC and don't care much about their desktops. There are many others that do care. But it goes well beyond that of aesthetics. The Linux desktop can really serve your needs very specifically. I have deployed Fluxbox desktops on kiosk systems because I can create a very basic menu system that will allow users to do only what I want to allow them to do. And it doesn't take much effor to do so. Or I can deploy a virtuoso-like desktop that will do anything and everything the user wants. And that's the key - the Linux desktop CAN do what you want. The Linux desktop can look and feel EXACTLY how you want it to look and feel. You like certain aspects of OS X and certain aspects of XP or Vista? Linux has a desktop just for you. With Windows, if you want to really tweak the desktop, you better be ready to search for a third party application and hope it doesn't eat up more ram than, say, Vista already eats up. Oh and all that eye candy on Vista? Linux has had that for years - and does it better.

And there you go. You can argue each point if you want. But the truth of the matter is, there are certain aspecs of the Linux operating system that are just plain better than Windows. And, of course, there are certain aspects of the Windows operating system that are better than Linux. And...of course...there are certain aspects of OS X that are better than either Windows or Linux. It's a three way street here.


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  1. Edward said on July 13, 2012 at 5:43 am

    I recently bought a copy of windows (I even just chose starter edition) to play compatible games. Most of the time, I still spend most tasks with linux. Once you go linux, you can’t go back.

    It’s flexible, adjustable and more efficient than windows. Not to mention the experiences, learning, and character you gain along the way. I always thought technology (making things easy) would make you lose those things. Not with linux though, learning it is worth all those trouble installing and tweaking to make it work.

  2. Someperson said on November 13, 2011 at 1:58 am

    The only real advantage windows has, is having its foot in the door when IBM introduced the PC and thus became the default standard. That is the only, albeit very practical, advantage.

  3. Meh said on June 12, 2011 at 4:41 pm

    I agree with this site, but to be fare “Windows” is obviously not designed for interoperability. Given the kind of business it chases and the closed nature of its use. That however if being the only thing one can pick apart then we are looking at things very differently. I think both operating systems have their uses, what most users don’t understand about Linux is that it is a world constantly evolving where as Microsoft is concerned they are only able to adapt to their market needs. That however is also what cuts them short and creates that distance between users and end product.

    Every year you have to ask yourself a moral question is it worth spending $$ on an os beyond looks that has yet to still fix broken packages it never got right the first time? Unlike like Linux, MS Windows software does not rely on dependencies it relies on the core OS and it’s DLL’s but what happens if there is a problem with your OS itself? What happens if your DLL files are miss communicating with each other? Simple it creates problems in the form of bugs, how do these bugs get resolved? Well unlike Linux repositories Windows uses “Windows Update” not the same as a repository but more akin to an online database of thousands of fixes to your OS and its core files just so it can make use of your installed software. Does that sound right to you?

    All practical nonsense aside I am not the kind of user that points fingers, both OS have their history, goals and ultimate purpose. With that said I like both OS and I am more than aware of each of the strengths and weaknesses of the two, ultimately what I think an OS is that it is merely a filing cabinet for daily work. How you use that work depends on your personal experience. If you want to go Matrix anal on the subject of pure code, if you follow history you will know that there is no such thing as perfect code because of this imbalance in the universe of computing. All laws rely on ones and zeros, unless a super genius rewrites the aging of ones and zeros to some other form of machine language there won’t really be much of a paradigm shift any time soon.

    All I will say is regardless if its open source or closed perfection in inconceivable, those who think other wise either don’t know what they are talking about or failed at history, economics and adaptation.

  4. Bob juegos said on May 27, 2011 at 12:55 am

    Ye I love linux, than windows, another thing better, is their speed for on and off, windows go perfect the first months but linux still for years!

  5. Bill Jobs said on April 27, 2011 at 6:15 pm

    I can configure KDE including setting up different workspaces and activities, in ten minutes.
    The GUIs of Linux have been evolved tremendously so the FUD about the many days you need to configure Linux is not valid anymore…

  6. Bill Jobs said on April 27, 2011 at 6:07 pm

    Windows have no place in this world!
    It is a closed commercial crap software product that lock you in the jail if you try to copy it or explore it!
    On the other hand Linux is open free and you can copy, explore, modify.
    There is no comparison!
    The first is an evil commercial product that you are not allowed to own or share while the second is a gift to the humanity that continually evolves.
    Having Linux you own the computer, having windows the computer owns you.

    And btw KDE rocks!
    At the 4.6 version is capable of doing all thing awesome!Different workspaces each with a different set of wallpapers and widgets running at the same time!Pure science fiction for the nasty, indifferent world of windows ™

  7. Ron Hyatt said on March 10, 2011 at 5:17 am

    Can you do what you want, easily and without spending hours, days weeks figuring it out? That is all that matters to 98 percent of users. Most will spend money for this. And that is what Linux Supporters can’t seem to grasp. But but but it’s FREE! Only if your time has no value whatsoever.

    1. Someperson said on November 13, 2011 at 2:05 am

      You have bviously not spent endless hours helping fix windows issues when it does not just work, or quits just working. And for the average computer user without a support department? Good luck.

  8. prlinux said on March 4, 2010 at 1:54 am

    I use Linux all the time. I also use windows all the time. When I want to use an ipod I think Itunes has killed linux. When want to produce professional artwork on the cheap I think the GIMP has killed windows. OK – what I really like is the competition. If one of the major players killed off all competition then goodbye development (where would Microsoft get its next generation killer Ideas from without the open software foundation).

  9. windows rulez said on March 2, 2010 at 11:39 am

    There is no getting around a few problems with Linux. As has been stated, Linux is not user-friendly, windows is. Linux has a limited number of programs it will run. Most programs run on Windows. If you don’t like the windows shell, use an alternative shell. I use emerge desktop, and haven’t used the default explorer shell for a long time now. I also use rocketdock which emulates the popout “dock” on mac. Here’s another great utility:Autohotkey. Autohotkey can be a simple a-b text replacement macro language, or if your willing to spend some time w/ it you can write total programs entirely in Autohotkey. To my knowledge there is no equivalent language for Linux. Believe me, I’ve done my research.

    The bottom line is there is nothing Linux can do that you can’t do in windows with a little bit of research & patience. A lot of patience is required just to learn the absolute basics in Linux. Been there, done that. I choose windows.

  10. Jake said on October 29, 2009 at 11:48 pm

    I skipped Vista but like my brother-in-laws version…and I just found that I really love Windows 7. Everything I have works with it and I’m happy. I pitched my Linux in the trash just like I did Solaris that I got sent to me. What is Solaris good for anyhow if you’re not a computer person in a server room serving HTML pages….my god even Windows can do that. Who needs Solaris or Linux? They aren’t user friendly and neither are the persons who support them and if you say something weak about liking Widows – Linux geeks get really upset. You can’t get help from Ubuntu or openSUSE and the answers one gets in the e-mail are short of just calling a normal user a dumbass. You people need to get a clue about your attitudes.

  11. Jake said on October 29, 2009 at 11:42 pm

    I have a friend who runs Linux and believes in it…he’s got a degree in computer science and knows how to do that stuff….I have no clue. Why should I try being a computer software person or a technician when that’s not what I do for a living? I do all my scanning, photography and Autocad right from my Windows XP workstation at home and at work. After getting Linux for a trial run I found I couldn’t use my Autocad or Mastercam and that MS SQL is incompatible with MySQL. You guys are scamming the public in my opion. Linux might be well and fine for geeks and such – but, NOT for the average user! I’ll take you to task on tht anyday.

  12. Jake said on October 29, 2009 at 11:36 pm

    I’m just a PC user. Linux sucked…Windows loaded and ran fine. Package Management – what the hell is that? Flexability – you have to be kidding – everything I have from scanner, printer, camera (especially) barely operated and not even to full color. Interoperability – I took your advice and bought Linux and none of my Windows programs would even load. I couldn’t even get to the point of being able to use Linux as a desktop…my network is all Windows and Linux stopped working with the athentication of Active Directory. Come on folks — quit talking developer as if all of us users are somehow developers and technicians. My wife loaded her Mac from the box to her desk and hooked up her scanner, printers and camera and they all worked….and you are trying to tell me Linux is better than my Windows which I use as easily as my wife does her Mac. You’ve got to be kidding.

  13. raghu said on October 27, 2009 at 6:44 pm

    I think the main reason for windows success is its tight integration with its products.MS-office,IE8,windows live,database and .NET act as one family.They are so good intrecting with each other.This makes programmers life easy.I think if such integration exist like java,firefox,mySql,openoffice works like a family it can find place in big organization.

    1. Someperson said on November 13, 2011 at 2:08 am

      Yes, forsome things perhaps a monopoly is better….

  14. Jake said on August 16, 2009 at 3:40 am

    Who gives a rat’s bark about Linux running well with anything other than Linux or in that fact — who cares if Mac runs Windows or if Windows runs OS2 or if the AS400 IBM runs Atari or who really gives a rat’s you know what? I run Windows — and thankful it won’t run Linux and screw my Linux boxes up…saying that — I run Linux and I don’t want my Linux co-running with my Windows. I used to have a Mac — but, it got old and I threw it away. I used to run a AS400 at work — and I’m forever glad it didn’t run any of the above…and then I’d have to deal either with broken drivers, viruses, modules that IBM wouldn’t support of fix and so and so on. I run my Linux to be Linux and I use Linux Programs to do jobs I want done with Linux….same with my Windows boxes. Who in their right mind would want to combind them together to run each other’s programs? That just doesn’t even make good sense. Do you go out each morning and pull the plugs from your Chevy to put into your Ford so you can drive to work? Now how silly does that sound? Well, getting OS’s to run with each other sounds just as silly. If you want everything to run together – then someone should just get rid of all the Linux flavors, Windows versions, AS400’s, Atari’s and so on — and just run MacIntosh. What do you really need to do that a Mac can’t do?

  15. aSa said on June 17, 2009 at 8:04 am

    > his because with the growing of the Linux market more fools are going to write virus, spyware, trojans, keyloggers, etc. especialy for Linux…….

    Writing viruses is one thing. Making users “use” them is another.

    > Are there any firewall’s programs, spyware programs, virus programs, trojans programs, etc especialy for linux?

  16. luzar said on May 9, 2009 at 3:21 pm

    Very Well written and one of the few articles I’ve read in this vain, and there are a lot of them, that doesn’t feel like a fanboy wrote it.

  17. mkb said on May 6, 2009 at 10:35 am

    @jack with Iphone sync issue…Amarok on Linux handles Iphone syncing https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone. I don’t have an Iphone but I do use Amarok and it is a great music player. To me it’s as good as Itunes. Check the link, on the page are LOTS of options for using your Iphone with Linux…I think the Linux community already caught up on this one!

  18. Syahid A. said on May 1, 2009 at 6:12 am

    @ bob: Try windows then. If it sucks, switch then.

  19. Joseph said on April 29, 2009 at 5:21 pm

    I’m a gamer.. and I triple-boot Windows XP, Windows Vista and Ubuntu. I enjoy Linux quite well. I was one of the haters until I tried it. While, I have to say that Linux is quite fun to toy with. However, complicated. As I am still learning how to do the most simple of terminal codes. I often find my self with Opera (yes, the browser) up on another desktop in case I need help. But the satisfaction you get AFTER you get, say, an old game RUNNING on Linux is powerful.

    Majority of the games and programs that comes out today are Windows based. Some of them are more ‘loose’ so Linux can try and run it. Others refuse to run all together.

    The networking on Windows.. Windows ONLY wants to read its own system format. It won’t read EXT.. Linux can read -just- about anything. I give thumbs up on Linux for that.

    Yes, Linux is quite flexible.

    Refering to the desktop. I have to say.. Linux is MORE open than Windows is. Not to mention you have free choice of choosing your ‘layout’. If you prefer to have everything open to you, use KDE, if you want simplistic, use GNOME. Want a new skin? Go get it. Make one if you want.. ect. ect.

    However.. today’s life, everything is Windows. Sadly, of course.

  20. Chris said on April 29, 2009 at 2:45 pm

    Curveball: Great Comment. I agree 100%.

    Each system has its ups and downs. Linux’s biggest negative is its useability. Sure windows crashes on occasion, but Linux makes it very easy to accidentally “crash” your machine. Its a lot easier to find someone to help you tweak your msconfig to get a windows machine working (or worst case, pop in an install and “Repair Windows”) than it is to try and reconfigure the X server, or monkey around with fstab from the command line. And I have had Ubuntu freak out on me a FEW times and make me do that. Sure it was probably my fault (each time it was trying to get Compiz working properly, or automounting a samba share) but people are going to want to play with their machines. People make mistakes. Windows may slap you on the wrist a bunch of times, but when you “have a bad” on Linux, you get kicked in the balls.

  21. curveball said on April 29, 2009 at 6:41 am

    Look, I’m a Linux user most of the time but I keep my eyes open and don’t drink the kool-aid that Linux is the be-all-end-all.

    1. You dismiss the KDE 4.0 release as a “minor step back” and then critisize Vista as, well, Vista. KDE 4.0 was completely unusuable for daily work. Of course, the KDE team said that when it was released so any expectation otherwise was foolish. Also foolish is using KDE 4.0 in a comparison of operating systems.

    I have been running Vista on my home desktop for over 18 months now with nary a problem. I venture a guess that most folks problems with Vista stem from inferior hardware or sheer ignorance of the OS changes. Take an *average* user who is proficient using KDE 3 and plop KDE 4 in their lap. Cursing will ensue. Vista is different, yes. That doesn’t make it bad.

    I agree that the Kernel has become almost an afterthought. That’s the way it should be. We don’t worry about kernel versions in Windows, do we.

    2. Linux requires help to play well with other systems, too. What is Samba? What is “third party sofware?” Heck, what is NFS? “True” linux users could say that anything outside the kernel is “third party.” Null argument here.

    Linux hardware support is FAR behind Windows. “Well, that is just a market influence from more Windows machines in use.” Ta da. Software support for external devices is much better in Windows. Joysticks, webcams, printers, scanners, etc. While sometimes possible in Linux, much more work is required and it’s usually just easier in Windws.

    3. So there is a grand unification in linux package management? That is the joke. How about the various package repositories and the interoperability between them? Discussions like this don’t happen in Windows. Plus, almost all Windows programs come with an uninstaller. This is a non-point.

    4. While Windows doesn’t offer kernel-level configuration, who does that nowadays? Do you really build custom kernels on a regular basis? Then you have vaulted past the normal user and into geek status. Congratulations. I’m an everyday at-work Linux user and I have not needed to build a custom kernel in years.

    With Linux there are no limitations? Really? Are we living in unlimited-resource-land? There may not be (perceived) limitations with Linux, but what does that get you?

    5. I have a completely customized Windows desktop that would appear to be a Linux desktop. TMTOWDI. Even in Windows. Again, what is “third party?”

    “It’s a three way street?” You say that after bashing Windows and stroking Linux for a few hundred words? Please! Windows has its place in the world. While I prefer to work in Linux I would NEVER put a Linux desktop in front of a casual computer user. There are certain “aspecs” of computing that are good for Linux and some for Windows.
    Linux has its place. Windows has its place. OSX has its place (though I don’t know where as I refuse to pay what they want for the hardware – even though it’s PC HARDWARE!). It doesn’t have to be a holy war.

    1. Someperson said on November 13, 2011 at 1:56 am

      I must disagree on hardware support… Almost never install windows without needing to install even incredably common intel or realtech network drivers just to go online and get current drivers… Have installed linux many times, even on laptops, without downloading anything.

  22. RogueSpear said on April 29, 2009 at 12:24 am

    I suppose if one really likes Windows it shouldn’t be any skin off my back. What does bother me (and that’s putting it lightly) are the underhanded and often illegal tactics that Microsoft uses to further boost their numbers. It infuriates me when a well regarded and respected CTO of an information security firm mysteriously loses his job after presenting a white paper critical of Microsoft’s crapware getting further entrenched in government networks.

    If you want to put up with online activation, WGA, DRM, and running only three applications at a time, be my guest. But kindly prevent the legion of zombie networks that your substandard operating system is responsible for from sending me bucketloads of spam and DDOSing the innocent.

  23. Robert Palmar said on April 28, 2009 at 10:25 pm

    It is the fallacious content and patronizing manner of the articles
    that is the problem and not the writing of the articles per se.
    Jack is responsible for how the articles are written.

  24. Tobey said on April 28, 2009 at 9:41 pm

    First things first: If anything here sucks, it’s “bob’s” comment.

    To the topic:

    Jack, come on, stop it ! I can’t stand that pressure any more. I’m like “damn.. not yet” whenever I read another of your articles on *nix :-D

    I know, OK, I get it… Windows sucks. But you know.. there’s still the compatibility thingy here :-P Man, I’d love to make the ultimate switch if only Unix could make up for everything there is for M$ platforms out there.. I know, it’s been doing a good job reaching that goal but…


    Just kidding, your articles rock.

    Keep up.

  25. Robert Palmar said on April 28, 2009 at 9:08 pm

    Martin, Jack wrote the articles.
    He is responsible for what he writes.

    1. Martin said on April 28, 2009 at 9:14 pm

      I suggested them.

      1. mell said on July 4, 2012 at 9:03 am

        unless you also suggested he write these three articles with a heavy bias and condescending tone then the blame still lies with jack

  26. rruben said on April 28, 2009 at 7:56 pm

    oops this was the link:

    EDIT: Sorry for the double comments, I thought the edit didn’t work on the previous one.

  27. rruben said on April 28, 2009 at 7:55 pm

    I have seen a lot of Linux vs windows vs mac discussions. Funny that it makes people often very emotion :-) . But please, don’t feel insulted. Just ignore it if you don’t like it.

    Here, look at this to make you feel better again hahaha:

  28. Robert Palmar said on April 28, 2009 at 7:22 pm

    The proselytizing of Linux in the last three articles has been insufferable.
    Lecturing Windows users on how they need to see the light is insulting.
    The only thing I have learned from them is avoid articles written by Jack.

    These articles are certainly out of character for gHacks and not the kind
    that has has earned gHacks its reputation for insightful analysis
    and information based upon reality and not mythology.

    1. Martin said on April 28, 2009 at 7:43 pm

      Robert it was not Jack’s fault. I think the discussion about the article was very interesting and rewarding. Lots of different opinions.

  29. Ted said on April 28, 2009 at 5:50 pm

    You know what I love the most about Windows? Viruses, trojans, Microsoft security holes, spyware, adware, the NTFS filesystem pooping random pieces of data all over my hard drive (nothing gets me going in the morning like a good defrag!), I love unexplained crashes/BSOD, DRM, and most of all I love using system resources to make sure this OS doesn’t kill itself (AVG/Symantec, jkdefrag, Adaware, Spybot S&D, etc..)

    It’s a good thing I have iTunes, Photoshop, and games!!! Oh, and I don’t have to touch the icky terminal either! Someday those stupid Linux users will learn!


  30. Streaker said on April 28, 2009 at 8:07 am

    I specifically subscribed to the Windows RSS feed to avoid this kind of stupid, crappy article. If you all want to pat yourselves on the back for using Linux, then by all means do so. But please don’t use a ‘Windows’ tag to do it. It’s annoying and doesn’t help your case at all.

  31. InternetWagering said on April 28, 2009 at 1:44 am

    I agree with the point in almost everything, but really is going to be very difficult to change the mind of the people that uuse windows. But everyday is going to be easier and easier, with Linux going easier to use and windows having so many problems.

  32. Paulus said on April 28, 2009 at 12:24 am

    Maybay i have to state main question different about security and Linux.
    What are the best choices for.
    1.) a firewall is it firestarter, express or a outher?
    2.) a virus program ist it Panda, avg or a outher?
    3.) a spyware program is it Nixory, avg or a outher?
    4.) a trojan program is it Spybot S&D, Sophos or a outher?

  33. jack said on April 28, 2009 at 12:15 am

    Jim PROFIT: The only reason these articles came in a row is because they were requested. The evangelizing will end now for a while. But you have to admit – articles like this sure do bring out the discussion. And, really, that’s what the internet is for now – discussion. Or at least I like to think it is.

    I don’t want anything thinking I am trying to shove anything down anyone’s throat. I am a writer – I have been for a long time. Every once in a while I like to write articles to really stir things up. It’s good for the soul.

  34. jack said on April 28, 2009 at 12:12 am

    I do play games – but i play them on a console like PS2/3. I am at my PC too many hours during the day already. if i had to play games on it i might as well take up residence on my desk chair. ;-)

  35. Paymun said on April 28, 2009 at 12:03 am

    When games natively support Linux is the day i will switch to Linux. For now its shit, and i am not going to use an emulator.

  36. Chris said on April 27, 2009 at 11:55 pm

    “Linux enables nearly all OSes to see it, read to it, write to it, etc. Windows? Can you make Windows see Linux without Linux giving it a hand?:

    No, but isn’t that as much a shortcoming of linux as it is Windows? Its an equally shared blame in my opinion.

  37. Mosh said on April 27, 2009 at 11:53 pm

    One thing Windows does better than Linux… Windows Movie Maker (in XP, not the emasculated Vista version). Aside from the fact that for some reason of the last few weeks it’s started randomly freezing on me, I love this app. In fact it’s one of only two reasons I still dual boot XP on my laptop.

    I’ve used Ubuntu almost exclusively for around a year now and grown to really like it. I love the way it properly handles installs and uninstalls with the bare minimum of chaff left to slow the system down. But search as I might I cannot find a nice, smooth, intuitive, reliable video package to match WMM.

    P.S. Bob – very well argued. Not.

    1. Someperson said on November 13, 2011 at 1:48 am

      Exactly- the old version-xp works better.

  38. rruben said on April 27, 2009 at 11:47 pm

    My brother has played with Ubuntu for a while and telling me it’s better than Windows and your above points are pretty right. He had installed all sort of fancy effects to make it look really cool, but the problem I told him too is, it doesn’t at any value to make me more productive. Also the package management is trully wonderfull, but the problem still is the lack of compatibility with the windows programs.
    You can also say Linux is faster than vista. I agree, but my hardware is good enough to let me work fast enough. This problem is just not big enough for me.

    The problem is that I just can’t miss Office 2007, open office is just not good enough for me, because I need to show of my word 2007 layout skills to get a little higher mark for my reports on college ;) and the ribbon of course: http://blogs.msdn.com/jensenh/archive/2008/03/12/the-story-of-the-ribbon.aspx
    Windows live mail, anyone?
    Stardock Fences on Linux? After the post about it here on Ghacks I just can’t miss this one either.

    And the biggest problems of all, do you linux guys play any games? Again something I just can’t miss, but I can imagine that people over 25 might not be that interested in games like someone below the 20.

    You can call me ‘locked in’ within the windows system, but I don’t care, I’ve got everything I need and am very happy with it. I don’t see the point to step over to another system and I don’t need to be persuaded. My brother couldn’t convince me by showing it live, then some articles won’t either. And money is not a reason for me to choose another system.

    Imho the user experience of windows is just better, especially now windows 7 is coming, M$ is leaving Linux in the dust when we talk about the user experience. Just look at windows7news hehe ;)

    Disclaimer: People with linux, I respect you all. This is just a very personal opinion. If it works well for you, I am happy you found something that fits your personal needs better.

    1. Someperson said on November 13, 2011 at 1:51 am

      Using an expensive office package just to show off layout “skills” just shows the english instructors are just as clueless and keep perpetuating the office quality myth..
      Our gen-ed faculty was completely thrown for a loop with docx… But never asks if they shoud stop switching to they latest. They just “upgrade” with the other lemings.

  39. Jim PROFIT said on April 27, 2009 at 11:47 pm

    I want to stay on Windows, so stop trying to change my mind!

    I don’t try to change yours!
    Some persons prefer Windows, others Linux, and there OSX. It’s depend on what they are doing on a computer.

    Linux is better, stay on Linux, but stop to post every day 5 best Linux is over Windows……

  40. Womble said on April 27, 2009 at 11:42 pm

    Point 1 Googling “ubuntu kernel upgrade problem” reveals how selective the argument you put across is.

    Point 2.Agree

    Point 3. I agree to an extent, but I feel the way OS X handles things to be superior to both Linux and Windows on a modern computer.

    Point 4. Can’t argue with that.

    Point 5. Or this, Windows has always been absolutely pathetic on this front.

    In the interest of balance I would like to see Martin counter this article with 5 things Windows does better than Linux :)

  41. bob said on April 27, 2009 at 10:58 pm

    5 Things Linux does better than Windows
    1. SUCK
    2. SUCK
    3. SUCK
    4. SUCK
    5. SUCK

  42. jack said on April 27, 2009 at 10:31 pm

    Chris: you got me with the iPhone. I have an iPhone and hate the fact that i never upgrade it or sync it because iTunes is one of the single worst applications i have ever used. one of these days the Linux community will manage to get around this. until then i’ll just keep charging my iPhone via usb on Linux and wait for AT&T to get smart enough to add an android phone to their line up.

    i am not playing both sides of the argument by the way. Linux enables nearly all OSes to see it, read to it, write to it, etc. Windows? Can you make Windows see Linux without Linux giving it a hand? no. you can’t.

  43. Chris said on April 27, 2009 at 10:05 pm

    “Just try to find an operating system Linux can’t communicate with and I will gladly say “I was wrong.” I have yet to find an operating system that can not communicate, in one way or another, with Linux. I have found plenty, however, that can not communicate with Windows without having to add either third party software or a bridging piece of hardware.”

    With respect, I have a bit of a bone to pick with this post…

    Could you give an example or two of OS’s that don’t like Windows? Of the main OS’s Apple (works with Win, although it can’t write NTFS), Windows (works with win, duh), Linux Distros (needs Samba to work with win) and BSD (haven’t crossed that line yet), they all work pretty easily with one another. It was a lot easier getting my Apple to play well with Windows than it was to get my Ubuntu machine playing with ANYTHING.

    As for Linux, what about the iPhone? There is an OS that can’t communicate with linux, but Mac and Win both have adequate interaction through iTunes. And I know its more of an issue with the iPhone than Linux, but you seem to be playing both sides of the argument. If it plays well with Linux its a feature of Linux, but if it doesn’t its the other OS’s fault?

    As for iTunes being 3rd party, it is a drawback of linux that it isn’t “popular” enough in the eyes of 3rd parties (like Apple with iTunes) to create a port of their software. Sure its the 3rd party’s fault, but who gets hurt? The linux user suffers in the end.

    Sure its sloppy, but Windows #1 benefit is its ubiquity. It doesn’t matter to the average Windows user if their machine doesn’t play nice with FreeBSD. 95% of Win users will only connect to other win machines in the foreseeable future.

    God, that turned into a rant fast…

  44. Paulus said on April 27, 2009 at 9:55 pm

    A well writen artikel again Jack. And again i have to agree with you that linux looks like the (ferry) best choice overal now and for the future. But (sadley enough) i have to repeat my question of two days ago to you, concurning security. This because with the growing of the Linux market more fools are going to write virus, spyware, trojans, keyloggers, etc. especialy for Linux. Please be so ferry kind to write some artikel(s) about this issue and help main (us) to protect main (our) machine(s). Are there any firewall’s programs, spyware programs, virus programs, trojans programs, etc especialy for linux?

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