Online QR Code Generator

QR Codes can be described as two-dimensional barcodes which can be decoded quickly by scanners. Most mobile phones either ship with scanners included by default, or offer third-party apps that add QR scanning capabilities to the device.
The T-Mobile G1 cell phone can for example be used to scan QR Codes to open the associated resource on the cell phone. The resource is usually a website but can also be a phone number, sms or text.
Anyone using a cell phone to open websites can imagine how much faster and comfortable this method is. Some print magazines have recently begun to include the codes to provide their readers with a better experience.
Update: QR Jumps is no longer available. We suggest you use a comparable service such as QR Code Generator to create QR codes online. The online service works in similar fashion. All you have to do is select one data type, e.g. URL, text, or VCard, enter the data, and click on the create QR code button afterwards to create it.
QR Jumps
The free QR Code Generator QR Jumps allows you to create QR Codes online. QR Jumps offers a core service to guests and an extended service to registered users. Registration is free and should not take longer than a couple of seconds to complete.
The site distinguishes between basic and advanced QR Code generation. The basic form contains fewer options which let you create codes for urls, text, phone numbers or SMS.
All you have to do is select the type of content first, add the content then, and click on the generate button to create the QR Code. You can select a different image type for it -- the default is jpeg -- and modify its size as well.
The site is limited for guests while registered users get access to larger sizes. The code is then displayed on the screen, and a download option is provided as well that you can make use of.
The QR Code above will open the Ghacks website in the associated web browser. The next contains a secret message that can only be revealed by scanning the image with your camera.
The advanced QR Code generator offers additional options like creating multiple links at once, setting an expiration date for the code, or password protecting the link.
The service is easy to use so that users of all experience levels can use it to create QR Codes in a matter of seconds.
QR Code generators are best use services that you use once or occasionally only. Webmasters and companies who use these codes regularly should look for API services or scripts that provide automation options.

If you need a vector QR code generator, that will look equally good no matter how you enlarge or shrink it, you can get one for free at You can also specify the color of the squares, in CMYK, for high quality printing.
Hey Guys, I’ve found an embeed able qr code generator check out there you will get the code to embeed the qr code generator to your own website. Very cool!!!
8 weeks passed since I’ve lost my web connection and here i am wanting to read all of your articles that I have missed, it’s a exciting sensation to meet again with your writing style.
yey,i decode it with my mobile cam.
Is it
“Hello Ghacks Readers,
you rock!
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I been using to generate my QR codes, its been great they even have a function where you can upload a logo to the center or the QR code.
Nokia offers this service for free too:
It also offers a free code reader for compatible Nokia phones. Too bad in Holland nobody uses these, they could be of use…