CL1P is an Online Clipboard

Feb 27, 2009
Updated • Jun 3, 2014

Sometimes, you may urgently need to share information with a friend or family member. Or maybe you need to access a particular file from another computer.

The easiest way to do this would be to use portable media like a flash drive. But what if that’s not an option, for instance if the person you want to send the files to lives in another city or even county? Then you have to find other means.

One way of accessing information is to use an online clipboard like CL1P. This website allows you to put up data using a unique url that you yourself choose by entering it manually. No sign-up or registration is required for that to happen.

Update: Cl1P seems to have reduced the number of options to one: the sharing of messages. When you create a new unique url you can enter text into a form that can then be accessed by you or someone else when the address is opened.

The text is replaced automatically when it is modified, just like operating system clipboards handle this.

The information below are not accurate anymore as the service has changed in the meantime.

Once the CL1P url is ready, you have plenty of options. The first thing you can do is set the clipboard to take plain or rich text formats. Alternatively, you could turn it into a messageboard. After that, you can either type in your data, or upload files and pictures. The maximum upload limit is 30 MB.

Once your clipboard is ready, simply save it. CL1P has the option of password protecting your page, which comes in handy if you want only select people to be able to view your link. CL1P pages stay active only for seven days which is a slight disadvantage if you want to keep your page around longer.

CL1P is fairly versatile. For example, a user can edit his clipboard if he wants to. Another plus point is the ability to print the clipboards. While this may not be helpful if you’ve uploaded something that cannot be printed, it’s worthwhile for text and images.

Are you comfortable with the idea of an internet clipboard? Would you use CL1P? Let me know in the comments.


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  1. Noble said on April 1, 2009 at 10:29 am

    hello! The babes are here! This is my best site to visit. I make sure I am alone in case I get too hot. Post your favorite link here.

  2. Jojo said on February 28, 2009 at 1:25 pm

    Sounds useful. There are many times when you want to share something with a group but don’t wish to reveal your email address. For instance this service would work well in a forum discussion.

    But the 7 day limitation could be a problem. They should change the model to delete say after 7 days when there has not been any access to the data.

  3. A. said on February 28, 2009 at 8:45 am

    Use it often. Mostly text features (not file uplodas). Never for “risky” (private, &c.) stuff.

    Browse in one tab, keep clip open in another, click/copy/tab/paste: notes to self, links to find later. “Self destruct” convenient and liberating.

    UTF is supported – and very useful.

    Instant (text) message board can be good to “chat” on borrowed computers, and keep records for specific interactions, for a while.

  4. DiscountFan said on February 28, 2009 at 5:57 am

    The idea of internet clipboard is good, but looks like anyone can use email instead of this kind of service. Because it only has 30M capability which is same as maximum attachment capability of gmail. Send the file directly to the persons you want is better than save to a third part website. It is a risk to share some privacy infomation on internet.

    If you want to share bigger files , than rapidshare or other file sharing service is your choice.

    Conclusion: I think I have a few chance to use this kind of service, maybe most of people also do.

  5. gokudomatic said on February 28, 2009 at 1:14 am

    “Sometimes, you may urgently need to share some information with a friend or family member. ”

    Haste is a root of problems. Furthermore, emails do that very well.

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