5 Great New Features Of Windows 7

Do not worry. This article will not contain the same old blabla that most of the other Windows 7 toplist articles will mention. It will instead concentrate on five lesser known but powerful new features that increase productivity by a large margin.
You might want to check out our article about Windows 7 which has all the information you need to download the beta of the new Microsoft operating system. If you are not convinced yet that this is a good idea read on; You might be surprised:
1. Opening multiple Instances of the same program
Want to open multiple instances of the same program? Maybe a second command prompt or another application that can be opened in multiple instances? Instead of opening the program again the usual way you can simply press the SHIFT key and left-click on the first instance in the Windows Taskbar to open a second one.
2. Problem Steps Recorder
If you ever had to do phone support you know how hard it can be to understand what the user on the other end of the phone did and wants. The Problem Steps Recorder is a sweet little tool in Windows 7 that can be used by the user to record his steps.
All that the user needs to do is start the recorder by entering psr in the Start Menu box and click on Start Record in the program interface. Screenshots will be taken from user actions. It is possible to add comments at any time if the user feels so. The whole recording will be saved as a zip file containing a slideshow of the actions.
3. Pin Favorite Folders
Want to add a favorite folders to Windows Explorer to be able to access them faster? Just drag and drop the folder to the favorites menu. It will remain there until you delete it with the delete key again.
4. Moving Windows and such
Windows 7 introduces several new keyboard shortcuts for window management. Some useful ones are:
- [Windows Shift Left Arrow] or [Windows Shift Right Arrow] to move windows from one computer monitor to another.
- [Windows Left Arrow] or [Windows Right Arrow] to dock windows to the left or right side
- [Windows Up Arrow] to maximize a window
- [Windows Down Arrow] to restore or minimize windows
- [Windows Home] to minimize all windows but the active one
5. Shortcuts to start pinned taskbar items
Pressing [Win Number] will start a new instance of a pinned taskbar item. You should also note that the items can be dragged and dropped into different positions easily.
gr8…. blog
u r amazing
the main prob of windows 7 is that some softwares are still not compatible
why isn’t resource consuming, slow and crashes alot on there?
i had 4gb of ram and dual core cpu that came with windows 7 64bit and all it did was crash, take 25 secs to boot and took like 4 secs to open programs
my 512 mb half the power mono cored computer running lubuntu booted up in 10 secs and opened programs faster then i can measure.
Windows is a Giant OS. It is used mostly all over the world. There are tons of program for a windows PC to be loaded when Windows starts so it is slow, you should understand that. And what about those crap software that we install almost everyday. They also need to be loaded. Don’t comment with such bad words because there are many hard work hidden inside this Giant OS.
Wow how innovative of microsoft! they have kept with the old formula of desperatly trying to build stability whilst ripping off features and the feel off of other innovative and stable OS’s
Well done microshaft another poorly written/copied load of resource consuming jizz aimed at your primary market… the sheeple…
I am still not overly impressed with Windows 7. I have disabled most of the features that are toted as ‘incredible features’. I am still mystified who the user group that green lighted some of the windows features included.
Stability and speed would be a nice change or pace for MS.
Way to be pretentious.
Another cool trick i learned by accident is if you wave the window back and forth all windows behind it get minimized and wave it again they reappear. also known as the “aero shake”
well first of its a little faster than vista ….
best part of it i like ..when we copy or move some file we see a good graphics in toolbar indicating %age download completed .which unlike in vista or xp says 35%complete or 90%complete..here in windows 7 it show in graph in toolbar which is colourful (many colours)so we donot have to check repeatedly..and
as it is already said we can open my computer many times unlike xp or vista …
rest features are more or less same as vista
You canal also open multiple instances of the same program by clicking the middle button on the mouse.
I just came across this from Microsoft Technet Flash newsletter:
Mark Russinovich: Inside Windows 7
Posted By: Charles | Jan 14th @ 11:39 AM
How has Windows evolved, as a general purpose operating system and at the lowest levels, in Windows 7? Who better to talk to than Technical Fellow and Windows Kernel guru Mark Russinovich? Here, Mark enlightens us on the new kernel constructs in Windows 7 (and, yeah, we do wander up into user mode, but only briefly). One very important change in the Windows 7 kernel is the dismantling of the dispatcher spin lock and redesign and implementation of its functionality. This great work was done by Arun Kishan (you’ve met him here on C9 last year). The direct result of the reworking of the dispatcher spin lock is that Windows 7 can scale to 256 processors. Further, this enabled the great Landy Wang to tune the Windows Memory Manager to be even more efficient than it already is. Mark also explains (again) what MinWin really is (heck, even I was confused. Not anymore…). MinWin is present in Windows 7. Native support for VHD (boot from VHD anyone?) is another very cool addition to our next general purpose OS. Yes, and there’s more!
Tune in. This is a great conversation (if you’re into operating systems). It’s always great to chat with Mark.
http://channel9.msdn.com/shows/Going%20Deep/Mark-Russinovich-Inside-Windows-7/ (45 minutes long)
Wow. I’m underwhelmed at this list. These are features I would bet 90% or more of Windows users would never use.
I like the tips. I use shortcuts like these all the time, and you’d be amazed how much faster you can get when you are proficient in them.
I’m looking for new features that are not just the usual “bla bla”. Nice job.
The best feature of Windows 7 is that it is very responsive. I installed it on my Windows Vista notebook which runs sluggish and slow at best while Windows 7 is fast. That’s reason enough for me to get it once it comes out and install it as my main system. I’m pretty confident that Windows 7 will replace good old trusty Windows XP on my systems.
5? What about 30?
Number 3 is not exactly new, implementation may be different but the ability to do it is not new.