Visual Wikipedia
Visual Wikipedia is a visual mashup of Wikipedia information and Youtube videos. The service works much like the regular Wikipedia website with the difference that it adds additional data sources and visual information about each phrase.
The entry PHP will for instance display part of the Wikipedia article on the top of the results. A Youtube video will be shown on the right with the option to browse through all Youtube videos that are related to the search term.
Below that is probably the most interesting part of Visual Wikipedia: Related Terms. Related terms are terms that are related to the entered search term. They are shown as a tag cloud and mindmap. A click on a tag or an entry in the mindmap will load search for that term on Visual Wikipedia.
A box will all outgoing links of the Wikipedia article, recommended articles and links to different language versions is shown on the very same page as well.
Links to various external search engines are available at the bottom of the page. This includes links to Youtube, Wikipedia, Google or Flickr among others.
The main benefit of using Visual Wikipedia as opposed to the normal Wikipedia website is the additional display of information on the result pages.
Seems like a clear service mark violation to me.
How about mashing up together between Google services?
Take :
Google News +
Knoll +
Orkut +
Youtube (Google Video) +
Google Calendar +
Google Docs + G
oogle Search +
Google Books +
Google Scholar +
Google Books
= Ultimate Google (owning!!!)
LOL just a joke (might become true)
Visual Wikipedia = Wikipedia+Youtube+Tags
of course somebody can make
Wikipedia+Yotube+Tags+Social Network+Google+Torrents+News+Games+Software+….
I Think users need unique really useful site idea not “wikipedia content” + “youtube content”