Create A Free US iTunes Account

The iTunes software is performing a check when a user creates a new account to verify that the address of the user and his payment address are related. A credit card for instance would have to be from the United States as well if the user would select the United States as his country of residence. It is therefor not possible to create a US iTunes account the "normal" way unless US address and credit card are at hand. One way to get past this verification is to buy gift certificates and use them to create the account.
Some users probably prefer not to pay any money for the account because they just want access to the free contents and never make a payment in the store. The good news is that it is possible to use used coupons as well to create a free US iTunes account. Gift certificates could later still be used to add money to the account in case a purchase has to be made.
The benefits of having an US account are access to free songs which are updated regularly, to better promotions and music, movies or tv shows that are not available in other iTunes store yet.
The first thing you do is to download the iTunes software and install it. Once that is done start it and locate the Redeem link in the top right Quick Links menu.
This will load a page with a form that accepts coupons and gift certificates. All you need to is to paste a coupon code into the form and click on Redeem to send it to iTunes. Coupons can be found here or here.
The iTunes software will throw an error message if the gift certificate or coupon is no longer valid. That however is not a problem at all. Return to the homepage by clicking on the home icon in the upper left corner of the iTunes store.
Once the homepage has loaded it is time to create the account. You can do that by clicking on the Sign In button on the upper right corner of the iTunes store. It offers you login possibilities and a button to create a new account. Click on that button.
Click continue on the welcome page and accept the terms and conditions of the iTunes store in the second. This finally leads to the account creation page.
Enter your details on that page and continue to the next and final step of the account creation.
If everything went well you should now see the page where you can select a payment method and enter the address of the account. The payment method has to offer None as one option for this to work. If that is the case choose none. Now you need to enter an US address in the last step to create the account.
The zip code, state and city have to match. Everything else does not. Just select the location of a friend or relative to be on the safe side but it is practically possible to enter any information you like.
The account will be created in the last step and the contents of the US iTunes store are now available.
give me a web site that i can downlod a usa itunes
it’s IMPOSSIBLE to put music on an ipod nano.
Works from Australia… used to get the actual US iTunes code. they have a straight forward FAQ section for setting up the account, pretty much like this one.
need i tune id
No any none option in my country so I select UK country for creating an iTunes account but there is a problem because my IPhone can do not select none option please somebody help me. thank you
What’s the purpose of entering the iTunes voucher code?
How can I adjust the screen resolution on my iphone?
i want to sign in itunes but i donot know how
I wish more people would write sites like this that are actually interesting to read. With all the fluff floating around on the internet, it is a great change of pace to read a site like yours instead.
Hay people this way is awesome and easy to use but I have not used it my friend has and he says it is easy I just got an Ipodtouch!!!
the iphons is good
Well I don’t understand why iTunes need account for free apps and I tried 2 create account but there was not none option given, plz tell me wat sud I do to create my account ?
not working anymore.. they will still ask a valid Redeem code after you choose NONE..
I am From Bangladesh……….iam Also Can’t Connect in Itunes:( so plz Get me iDea What can i do?????
HUD iTunes sofwer
can you pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!! send me a not used yet itunes code send a message asap
I phone 4 not working
I have now been using this site for a year, and whenever I have had any kind of problem with setup or otherwise, they have been super helpful I just ordered an AppleTV from them, to be sent to me in Sweden, so I will be able to stream all the new TV series and films when they are released in the US
Great service, give it a try if you don’t find what you need in your local iTunes store.
Great site. Keep doing.,
wht to do if u dont see the none option
i don’t see any none in that space guys
Hello i dont now whats happend white itunes store but it is very difficel to make a account on appel i try it so many times but non
how come it is inposeble to make a account.o if you can help me pleas do
i hope hair soon of you thank you.
I need to create account in itune store of country usa even I am living in India
100% WORKING +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
to make an account without a credit card, just try to download a free app and when it says log in, create a new account. this allows you to have the “None” Option.
to make a specifically US itunes account, install Hotspot Shield before you open itunes.
launch hotspot shield
switch to the US Store
goto apps
find a free app and click FREE
create a new account using a random US address/zip/phone found online []
wow… the method of Deal Robot worked like a charm!!!! thanks
If you still are having problems setting this up, just use the step by step instruction here Good luck!
itz aight
I just got a gift card from and redeemed that, and everything works great. I download quite a bit of TV series, so the $55 is used pretty quickly!
i like one
mine doesnt have the none option…wat do i do…pls help??
iphone is a good fone plz help for install msn iphone
this is very goood iphone
i need a password for sites free for apples
thank u guys so much for helping me created an itunes account
Thanks for the information but in the last step, it does NOT show “None” option for the type of payment in itunes
How to solve that? If anyone knows, please email it to my add at [email protected]
Thanks and regards,
I don’t understand why I only get this function when I make a new account. Thanks to apple, my itunes store account is on my hotmail, while all the rest of my apple stuff is on another e-mail adress. Great. Thanks.
i tried but it didnt work there is no none i cant see the none either do u think u can help me??
[email protected]
this is me id please help mee [email protected],
Hey it works just set it up there go to the free app and create account and it will give you the option of none to click xx
THANK YOU REESE…MAY god be with u AMEN!!!
I’m in Oz & was unable to bring up a page with the ‘None’ payment option, but I used the method suggested by another poster above (Deal Robot), which was to simply choose the US store option & click on ‘Get App’ for one of the free apps. The ‘None’ option then became available & from there, it worked like a charm! :)
my dosent work someone help me
i lose my pin number
i wat to gate my account
WOAHHHH weirdest thing just happened
it worked for me!
what i did was i got up to the *done* part but from there it said the code wasnt valid
so in a desperate attempt to get a free acc i kept trying diff codes till it didnt even let me type a code in and told me to use “a different payment”
so for one last attempt i just pressed continue and it worked!!!! well for me at least
hope it works for u!
I need an I tunes account please. it will be greatly appreciated.
Raise BiG Kisssss man
worked so fast
Got the verification e-mail, but it can’t connect to my ITunes.. does it have something to do with sofware version? (I haven’t had any updates quite a while)
Would my iTunes account be process without a payment via credit card?
Need songs
account with no credit card, no gift card: open the itunes player, choose a free app, click get app, click create account, when you get to the payment page there will be the “none” option for payment. works everytime for any country. detailed instructions at
impossible de faire ” password oublié”
réponse ouverture URL impossible
Merci de votre aide
I tried it with an old redemption code and it wouldnt work so I bought a $10 one off ebay and it worked beautifully so instructions saying use old code no longer works but if you use a current one every other step works well
If you do not see the none button on when you make an account you first have to click one of the free apps on itunes and click download then a log in pops up and create an account then you have a none button.
I followed the same procedure bt free account cannot be created coz Option does not come.i.e free.Only credit card options are there.Thats why i cannt create it.Also i have tried it for many times.Plz help
I need my login and password. I need to change my I tunes account to a different computer.
an i borrow any of your accounts please?
I wasn’t aware that you needed a gift certificate to open an iTunes account?
it does not work me the none part is there but when i go to verify my account i click on the link and it goes back to the itunes download page
could anyone help
hey… ineed your help!! mine doesnt have the none option.. how is that?? what should i do
I don’t see the ‘none’ option. So what now? :/
This is the new way of getting a free iTunes US Account ! I tried and it works
mo it dont does it you are right
i tried but it didnt work there is no none
i did try it but the none option did not come up for me :(
I did ;) thanks indeed;)
thanks Reise…. :)
the none thing dosent show can anyone help me?
mine only 2 options come plus the “none”
button. then when i press confirm it says that it has already been redeamed… Like WTF -_-
it does not work anymore does it?
don´t work…
can anyone get me a game called penguin panic for the ipod please
thanks :)
To add to Reise’s point… If you click to download a free app or the free song of the week, that’s where the none option will appear.
i cant see the none either do u think u can help me??
im in egypt
Can’t see none option plz help
You’re the best Reise. It works
Thanks Reise!
Ok guys i found how to make a free account…in the itunes menu search iphone apps download 1 and itll ask you 2 sign in…then click create an account then the none option will be there…..
:) And the crowd goes wild…
Well I don’t understand why iTunes need account for free apps and I tried 2 create account but there was not none option given, plz tell me wat sud I do to create my account ?
I tried it with and it didnt work. It shows me the option “none” but under it, it also show me that the code i entered is not valid.I tired pressing continue but it still doesnt workk…Help anyone?
The “none” payment option has been removed from the iTunes account setup.
I contacted Apple Support (I paid a bunch extra for the Protection Plan so I might as well use them!), but they insisted that a credit card or other payment method is necessary to set up an iTunes account – so you can download FREE stuff.
If anyone knows of a way to set up an iTunes account WITHOUT a credit card, Pay Pal or gift certificate, please post instructions.
Every thing is fake dont belive it.. apple is monitoring it…Every thing has been solved nothing will work on itunes 8.*.*. it any body tries to hack it they will trace ur IP and Lead toserious probs.
proplem contact luck in apple
can anyone tell me how to find my other 3 itune accounts? i have a primary acct but bought 3 others last year and they have some money in the accounts i have the password but not the USER pls help
i have found a solution if you live in a 10 story building just jump down otherwise press press f5 for refresh
thnak you any proplem contact luck in apple
it’s not working any more, if anyone can help me would be great, thnx in advance
tytytytyty this worked so much better tytytytyty peaceee
Can Anyone provide me a US address. I know none.
Unfortunately that loophole has been plugged by Apple too!
Now even with the FREE APP it asks for a mode of payment (even if you have clicked NONE), it shows an error message (at least in India).
Any new ideas?
How Can You Do This In Australia??
i tried it and the none option was there but underneath where there was the coupon number from before it said that the number was invalid, and i needed to put a new one in, so i guess it doesn’t work anymore
but then i tried the app thing and that worked! so thanks a lot for that :)
It dosen’t worked.
The “none” option does not exist anymore?
followed all tha steps and 4 sum reason after i choose the “none” option and enter the,state,etc info and then hit continue
it says you need to enter a valid payment type y is this happening
will i tried ur way and it worked …i saw the none option..but even though when i filled the information and continue it returned and said : chose a method of payment!!!
i really need this account for my i-phone
plz ppl can any help :(
it’s not working after showing none option. Please enter valid Credit Card Details.
it worked, but the drm-protected movies don’t work. It says “you need to authorize this computer” but even if it’s authorized with the new american account the movies won’t play. Any ideas? Please help.
One question once you already establish your free iTUnes acct. will you be billed by mail or NO?
Oh i have solved a ‘BIG’ problem by your help…thankyou!!!!
-Deal Robot-
I live in CR and I configued the account on US and is up and running..
Thanks for the help !
email me if it doesnt work for you, i got a way to make free itunes account m.tholel (at) g m a i l . c o m
Sadly, it doesn’t seem to work now – at least for me. Oh well.
In US, just tried the Free App method and it worked (11/4)
I did everything but the NONE payment method didnt appear? :(
Hi.. It looks like it worked.. as now I am able to download free tv shows, iphone apps, …
But I am still now able to purchase
Is it correct behaviour?
For those lovers of Japanese music (Jpop or Jrock), you can get an account at the Japanese iTunes store as well as prepaid cards at http:://
I am getting an “unknown” iTunes error 11111, “please try again later” when I try this trick (from Canada, on a US VPN). I wonder Apple has closed the loophole?
Even if the coupon has expired,
If you followed the steps (to reach redeem from the quick links) you can still proceed to home page and create an account. Remember to have changed the country to US and you’ll see the ‘none’ option.
It worked wonders! I had to try a few codes though.
I followed the steps outlined and it didn’t work well (I am from India). But following the instructions from Deal Robot it was quite easy. !!!
Redeem codes did not work for me, but the tip about downloading free iphone app was genius. Worked like a charm.
[..]Hamza Saleem Ahmed says:
this is not working for me. neither is the coupon validated nor can i see the NONE option[..]
Salaam brother,
try to use the code from the picture above, it worked for me
Thanks for this tip!
I wanted to use the genius feature and was bummed that I had to put forth a credit card number.
After reading this article, I tried a few expired coupon codes and tried to make an account anyways.
The none option was there! Thanks!
this is not working for me. neither is the coupon validated nor can i see the NONE option
thanks for this guide. been trying to find a way to make an account without giving my credit info. THANKS. gHacks FTW!
To E.M:
I am connected from Israel. I tried a few coupon codes until I got the “None” option in the payment page.
Does not work from Israel.
you are so hot
I setup a US account (I live in the Netherlands) some time ago using a gift card I bought from ebay, because I want to purchase certain TV Shows that aren’t available here (no TV Shows in this part of the planet), and it works fine. I used my brother in law’s address as he is in the US.
I did notice you can use paypal these days, which is great improvement I think!
Well written, clear post!
No none option in the credits page anymore… Or is it block from an Israeli IP :-(
in spanish, from the Mac Users Group Argentina
Hey, there’s a much much easier way:
– go to iTunes Store > App Store inside iTunes,
– choose any free iPod/iPhone application and click Get App
Voila – you will have the option to create the account without entering any credit card number (a *none option will appear near Payment Method)
this is is silly because their is no circle near payment saying non so shut up fxxxxs.
Looks like that feature no longer exists. I’ve been trying to over an hour different ways and can’t get the ‘none’ option to appear. :(
So…. Now that I’ve done that, how do I get US iTunes vouchers?
Works brilliantly… Although the Oppenheimer Hotel in upstate NY might wonder why they have an iTunes account now. Thanks for this! Finally I can download HD content in the UK.
Is there anyway to do this for the U.K. iTunes store?
Well, I tried in Brazil and it worked.
But I must say, before I started it, I went all the way down in the store and changed the country from Brazil to United States.
Had to use the address of a random restaurant…
James, a non-working coupon is just fine. Without it you will not see the None option though as I recall.
I just did it without a coupon code. I couldn’t find one that worked, so I just made a new account, and had the “None” option just like your screenshot.
Any way to do this for other countries???
It does say “US” account, but I thought I would try in Australia, but unfortunately it doesn’t work :-(
Im from Australia too..FARROUT THERE IS NO “NONE” OPTION
Im from US and der is no option NONE
Help me pls
amazing thanks soo much its so annoying that apple dosent give u this option normally
Thankx for this informative post.
I was in the same dilemma, and was thinking of the exact same thing, but I bought in to it, and purchased a $15 iTunes Card.
At least I have this to turn too after the $15 is up. I’m going to find a couple of good iPhones apps and Music Videos to use the card with.