UPNP Port Mapper

Martin Brinkmann
Oct 24, 2008
Updated • Sep 5, 2011
Software, Windows, Windows software

Universal Plug And Play was designed to simplify the connection between two devices in a computer network. Most users probably come into touch with UPNP when they start configuring their router for the first time. Most modern routers support UPNP which admittedly has one major flaw. UPNP does not support authentication which means that the devices have to provide authentication on their own which many fail to do.

The UPNP Mapper, or UPNP Router Port Mapping Tool, provides a set of tools to display and configure router related Universal Plug and Play settings. It does that by directly implementing the UPNP protocol with direct sockets meaning it does not rely on the operating system to provide the information but its own functions.

Probably the most interesting feature of the software program is the ability to scan the network for UPNP devices and display the port mapping info of those devices in its interface. UPNP Port Mapper can also map or unmap ports on a discovered device.

The tool was tested on Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows Vista and should run fine on computers running those operating systems. The software is portable and uses a single executable file with a size of 204 Kilobytes. Some routers, especially older ones are reported to work incorrectly or not at all with that software which is usually caused by a faulty implementation of UPNP in the router.


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  1. dwarf_toss said on October 24, 2008 at 5:37 pm

    Now this is handy. Looks a great deal easier than the command line app I was using before. Good eye.

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