Registry Benchmark

Not many software programs can benchmark the Registry. A tool that can do it is might be interesting to use after cleaning and compacting the Registry. Two software applications that can compact the Registry are NTRegOpt and Comodo Registry Cleaner. The tools defragment the Registry which reduces the size of it which decreases loading time of the Registry at system startup and should increase overall performance as well.
RegBench which has been released in an alpha version can benchmark the various Registry hives. It is an excellent tool to run before and after optimizing the Registry to provide the user with an analysis of the effects of the compacting.
The tool is completely command line driven meaning that users need to either run it from the command line or batch script to run it. The Registry hives have to be specified as command line parameters.
The basic command is "regbench Hives". Acronyms can be thankfully used to test the various hives. Available are HKLM, HKCU, HKCR, HKCC and HKU. To test HKEY_Local_Machine and HKEY_Current_USER the command "regbench HKLM HKCU" would be used.
A report will be generated in the end detailing the time per access, the enumeration time, the keys in the Hive and the total access time. Additional parameters include to specify a filename for the report and to verbose the command line.
Whenever I have to fix a Windows computer the first thing that I do is benchmark the registry. Just right-click on the desktop and mouse-over New. If it takes a long time, clean the registry.