Quick PHP Testing And Debugging Server
HTML websites can be easily tested and debugged locally because no additional software but a text editor and a web browser are needed to do just that. Things change when you turn to PHP because PHP requires a web server that executes the php commands and returns the html code of the website.
I have detailed the process of installing and running a local Apache web server before but this method puts some strain on the system and is probably an overkill for a quick test run to see that the scripts are working correctly.
Quick PHP provides an answer. It is a standalone portable web server that does not require the installation of additional packages in its core version. The software creates a server that has a root directory that can be specified and a local port that has to be used to load the php scripts.
The core version can be extended to include PHP extensions for MySQL support with PHP.ini or can even be placed in the php installation folder that can be downloaded from the official php website.
Quick PHP is portable which makes it an ideal candidate for an USB Stick. The only requirements are an Internet Browser and either Windows 2000, Windows XP or Windows Vista.
Great thing. Ty very much.
I use portable like Sparx said.
Why not EasyPhp ?
There’s also portable version of both XAMPP and XAMPP Lite.