Ghacks T-Shirt Competition
I'm very proud to announce that the first two t-shirt designs for Ghacks have been finally completed and are now available in the Splitreason Online Store. You can take a look at the Ghacks T-Shirts right now or wait and see what I have to offer.
I think it's something to celebrate, especially if you consider the quality of the shirts. I like them both and have ordered four already to see how they feel and look in real.
I would like to offer this opportunity to ten readers as well. We did not have a competition for some time and I thought it would be a perfect fit for a competition. Here are the rules. I'm giving away ten Ghacks T-Shirts completely free of charge paid out of my own pocket.
The shirts will be shipped worldwide to your location and you can pick the design and size that you want from the choices available. All you need to do to win a t-shirt is to tell me a little bit about your relation to my site. Maybe how you came to know it, what you like or don't like, the funniest / worst / best / most helpful article here at Ghacks or anything else that you can think of.
If you do that you take part in the competition. Only one comment per user obviously counts to make it fair for everyone. But first, lets take a look at the designs to see if you want one or if you say, omg I would never wear that, hehe.
Oh, you can also tell me what you think of the t-shirts. That would be appreciated as well. I also have a special surprise for Cheryl, Tobey and Daniel who write articles for Ghacks. They will also get a free shirt with free shipping.
Good luck to anyone. The competition ends in seven days, same time, same site.
I will write a new post announcing the winners, stay tuned.
Thought the winners are being announced here? And I missing something?
First a short intro.I am Rohit a 19 yr old computer engineering student from INDIA.
I came across your site from one of you FRIENDS
(Raymond)and from that time I am a regular reader of your posts.What I like most about your articles is that they are written in a simple straightforward way which even the not-so-geek population can understand and they are useful in everyday internet usage
Its hard to point out a favourite but i like the articles related to the FIREFOX add-ons,downloading from rapidshare and youtube.
Finally I would like to suggest you to concentrate a little more on computer and internet security as I feel its a very important topic.
A big thank u from my side,Martin:)
ps:I like the black one I would like to wear it to college and make my friends jealous
Oh what a surprise :D
Just checked the article now and I must say I really like these designs, especially the black one. And thanks a lot Martin if you really meant that, I’d be honored to wear a gHacks T-shirt :)
I really do not remember how I came across your site. It has been some time now and I do visit your site almost every day. I would like to say that i like your articles very much and have been using your information in my daily life. What I love about your site is that your postings are so crisp and informative and it is not some kind of a a blog which dwells on more of a kind of an advertisement fed site.
Thanks to you and for your informative and useful blog for techies like me who wants to explore things about the computer and also about the Internet.
Regarding the Tshirt design, I like the last one in red, because it is not cluttered, and maybe I would have liked that more in black.
Have a great day and a cool thumbs-up for your Tshirt innovation..
I just wanted to comment rather than entering the competition, hope you don’t mind!
I’m not even sure how I came across your site; maybe whilst searching for a solution to a problem or through one of the ‘friend’ sites, but all I know is that the main reason why I love Ghacks is because the information provided *is* of interest to me, and it is delivered in a no nonsense manner. By no nonsense I mean: clear, straight-forward, honest opinion and generally none of that ‘attention-grabbing title’ rubbish that usually drives traffic peaks.
If I ever want to know whether a software/application (or find out about one) is worth installing or trying, I know that Ghacks is a resource I can trust (especially comments from readers as well).
It also brings to light alot of software (particularly freeware) that would otherwise be lost in the deluge of spam/shareware/’big’ download sites online.
Another point is this site continues to maintain its integrity. I fully support the fact that ads are necessary, but not when it takes up a lot of the page (like on some of the other ‘tech’ sites) and do make an effort to click on the ads here (hopefully click-ratios count?) Personally I am not a fan of ‘sponsored’ reviews, even if there is a disclaimer, and as far as I know, Martin/Ghacks doesn’t cover those, and this only increases the respect I have for the man/site. Ultimately if this does/has happened, I am certain that Ghacks would provide the most unbiased review.
Anyway, Ghacks for me is a tech site that is a leading example for how sites should be run: updated frequently (with *useful* info that isn’t too divergent from its core content); straight-forward writing style, integrity, intuitive layout, non-intrusive ad layouts, helpful user community (from post comments – proving a forum isn’t always necessary) and above all, fantastically helpful (and unique) content which provides/reviews software that does what it says on the tin!
A big thank you! :)
You were Googled. And I was thrilled. I’ve been spreading the gospel of GHacks to all who will listen and to any who ask: “How can I?” or “Where can I?”.
You, Lifehacker, Freewaregenius, Download Squad and Major Geeks are my personal Windows update.
So, TAKE THAT! Steve Ballmer!
Hi Martin,
I found your site via a downloadsquad link, and what at first seemed a little blog, by navigating 4-5 pages, appeared then like a big ship full of information fuel.
I immediately bookmarked it in my top ten sites (and this one is the only one of its category).
What I find less useful to me in your site is the weekly software updates, but awkwardly, what I find most useful is the single-application-focused articles.
I suppose it’s because updates are too much to read, and I find more interesting when you talk about the uses of one specific software. It’s more illustrative.
Also, I love the way you write about it all. Simple, effective, useful.
Thank you for your site and articles.
I just discovered the site a few days ago. I went through all the firefox tips (54 pages!) and stumbled the homepage. Just today I signed up for the RSS feed, and found the contest. Yipie! My daughter ruined two nice shirts this past month, so a new T-shirt would be nice this summer.
I should mention that I’d like to see some Ubuntu tips as well as the Windows and Firefox tips here. I don’t use Windows, and signed up only for the RSS feed only for the Firefox tips. Thanks!
A tee shirt for moi! Martin, I love you! The design on the black one is my favorite.
I found ghacks not long ago at last month, while I was messing around searching freeware blogs in Google to cure my boring time in the office. What kept bringing me back visiting your blogs are mostly about the free program, free licenses and tech news. Although some news I already read from other site. But I do indeed love checking out the software you posted I never heard or even tried before. Like the party Canon Digital Camera firmware which I simply love it so much without breaking my camera.
I haven’t spend time checking out the others section but after my free time comes again. I will definitely put your blog in my favorite list.
Well,to start with i want to say has been more than an inspiration for me in the blogging world.Not only is my homepage but some sort of wiki when it comes to the latest tech news.
I came to learn of from a link of an article by martin wrote from a year and ahalf or so ago. Ever since i have been hooked.And i must say that though there so many tech blogs out there,ghacks certainly comes second to none.
I like the spontaneous speed and continued fresh informative posts that martin keeps throwing at us.Matter of fact, at one time before you said are gonna quit your day job i could wonder how you scoured the internet for all those fresh articles.And where you got the time. God!!
Besides,i cant forget to mention the special freeware stuff you mention especially that day when you talked of “Antivir”.You actually bailed me out as before then, Norton proved a useless antivirus app on my Pc yet i paid for it.With your recommendation of antivir all that is history now.Thats just a tip of the iceberg,i can write about ghacks all day.And ofcourse i can’t forget the funny as well as helpful article about webapp .Its saved me alot of spam in my inbox.
Remember hosting company,am yet to signup with them.
I mean what can i say or leave ? The content here at ghacks is simply A+ grade material.THUMBS UP Martin .
Keep up with the great work. You may not know what you are doing but a guy like me here in Uganda really appreciates your hard committed work .Long live and Martin,YOU ROCK!!
I was searching in the net for some search and i came across ghacks and i saw the articles and my eyes glued to it.. I keep on visiting then for more nice articles.Now too i write this comments not to get the tshirt, but atleast you will have a satisfaction about how others feel about your site which is greater than any other thing. Keep the nice work and give us more nice articles
hi there martin!
i’ve been reading ghacks for a very long time and i’m still 18.
What i like about this site is the precise articles and the variety as well. Your blog is the only site i read RSS feeds from.(that sounds crazy)
I really liked the post when you flamed spammers. I bet everyone who reads your site feels the same.
I think i’m the only maniac who corrects your typing mistakes although they are rare.
both tees are cool but i like the first better( black is my fav. colour)
I stumbled onto this blog quite by accident not too long ago. The actual post I stumbled across was when I was surfing the net looking for other ways of organizing myself. Since that time I’ve always tried to voice my opinion on topics that seem relevant to my knowledge. I especially like the vast breadth of topics that your site covers, while still staying technically minded.
One thing I don’t much like, is the comment system. I can’t seem to figure out how to set an avatar :P
As I remember, I first come by link from one of my Livejournal friends ( And/or by search later, when I searched for free file and picture hosting comparison (that was related to your site for sure).
I like Ghacks because I’m a PC software hobbyist, and second your favorite topic, web services, is in my interests too (and games – so I will read Take 9). It’s not very easy, I think, to find good source of software news with right bias to free software and services, and position like yours – against DRM and “information, not promotion or advertising”.
I can’t point to some article and call it most helpful – because Ghacks helped me many times (search on my Livejournal blog archive lists 18 posts with references to Ghacks).
I appreciate your taste, Martin – because as far as I see it is somewhat close to mine. :) And I think we, software geeks, must keep in touch. :)
Nice designs,i like the first one.
I found ghacks last year while looking for firefox tips/tricks,been popping by every day for a quick read.
I like the info and allso the links to some other
great blogs like raymond.
My core reason – it’s a pleasure to read sites that actually have original articles. Blogosphere is too fulll or constant reposting on the run for money… People forgot that you actually have to make content at times.
Likes – I want to comment (actually rare feeling for me), I comment and my comment is actually read and if needed replied to.
Dislikes – site layot is mess. It is ok as long as I stick to “read rss, click interesting article”, but trying to browse site itself is pain. I can’t figure out which comment is for which article (no separators), there is bunch of tags (too many) in articles without tag cloud or anything to actually browse them. Pages look alike – page of some tag is totally like home page or page of another tag… You open few and you are already hopelessly lost. As result – for me ghacks is not a site, it’s RSS with links to some articles.
On t-shirts – second is boring. First one… I am so not wearing anything with iphone on it. :) So count me out from competition.
As far as I remember I came across GHacks after starting to use Google Reader and there were recommendation for Geeky blogs, however I am not sure if Ghacks was there, or it was mentioned in one of those geeky blogs.
Ghacks, Lifehacker, and to some extent TechCrunch are the kind of blogs where it is hard to pick a certain post and say I like this one the most. Everyday I learn new stuff or at least get geeky updates.
So instead of picking a specific post, let me tell you what topics I am interested in the most:
1- Mobiles/Nokia related hacks and Softwares
2- Open Source Tools (I normally don’t download Closed Source Freewares, unless they are made by a vendor that I trust such as Google, Yahoo, etc)
3- Google, uTorrent, Blogs/Podcasts, and Firefox related news and hacks.
Btw, I think the black T-Shirt is cooler than the red one ;)
My dad started viewing this website way back in 2005, I wasn’t really into the whole blogging scene, but when I started using the internet more and more, my dad introduced me to this website by emailing me interesting posts, I then started to get into it more and more now we both look at it daily (I use RSS Feeds and my dad, well he just does it the ‘old fashioned way’).
Ghacks is amazing and full of great content. I have nothing against the website, so I had to ask my dad and he said he didn’t like that some keywords are links, when you hover over it will come out with a pop-up. Its not a big deal…but can get annoying.
Ghacks has given me a real insight as too what is out there on the internet. Different programs, how-tos and guides. Its really hard to pick out one great post, so I looked in Google Reader (as I have quite a few starred items there).
I want to mention the theme change, that was really nice! I really do prefer the new theme, rather than the old one.
Anyway, that’s my attempt….
Good luck to everyone else with the competition, the T-Shirt designs really do rock and I prefer the black one, I’d defiantly wear it out-and-about!
Thanks Martin,
Neil Geenhorn
Hi, I’m from Venezuela so your T-Shirt will be very far from home. I like the black one better because of the design (more techie) and because red shirts here means the President is your god, so please… black. I like your writing because is very independent and focused on reality, doesn’t feel like marketing thing. I get here through Google Reader so I read all your titles, but may be not all your articles, sorry. But I’ve participated heavily in two comment chains: the one about the best freeware and the one about the players. My favorite tech blogs are Lifehacker, Genbeta (spanish one) and yours, really. You’re doing a great job sharing your expertise and make it feel it like something warm and personal. Thanks.
I stumbled upon ghacks maybe a year or so ago. I immediately added your RSS feed to Bloglines. You made less posts back then and they tended to cluster all at the same time (early in my morning).
Since then I have seen the site improve significantly. The design is clean and your posts are now spread out more across the whole day, which is good. Although I subscribe to a large number of sources on the net for tech information, you always seem to find things that I have never heard of elsewhere. And right now, I have “18” (whew) of your posts saved in Bloglines for further reading and investigation when I have more time, which is a record in all the feeds I subscribe to! I also regularly find reason to comment here, which I don’t always do other places.
I like the red shirt design better than the black one. I find the black shirt design a bit jumbled. Also would be nice to make long sleeve versions available. And the color white.
Good luck and keep up the good work!
Well how to start this then. I originally came to your site as a recommendation from Raymond’s site , someone you often reference, as I was reading about automating rapidshare downloads.
Now for the reason I stayed. I am dyslexic, and one of the things I used to support myself throughout my education is a laptop. I began this knowing very little about computers however, as I am sure you will empathise, when you are using a computer all day everyday those little two or three second annoyances all add up. As I read your blog I notice a few tips that might speed things up for me. So I came back each day learning a bit more each time and reading around in general and now I am having to correct the IT guys at my college on occasion (although this has actually included PLUGGING IT IN so that doesn’t really say that much).
Your site is now in the “daily” folder of my bookmark toolbar of my heavily customised firefox (largely thanks to addons talked about on your blog or blogs you have recommended) alongside Raymonds blog.
If I was to win a T-shirt great, but really this just seemed like a good excuse to say thanks for what you are doing. In a real genuine sense if it wasn’t for people like you and Raymond or the “make use of” and “life hacker” team I really wouldn’t have been able to run as smoothly as I needed to through some of the hardest parts of my education. Having the knowledge of ,or at least in some cases the inspiration to learn more has been invaluable in me being able to make my computer do exactly what I want when I need it so thanks.
Really like the top design by the way. It looks very cool.
To be honest, i don’t quite remember how or when i discovered ghacks, so dunno how long i’ve been around. I usually just read your posts, without commenting alot, but i do like that you’re straight to the point in reviews, articles,… without bullshitting like lots of tech boards/blogs do. Keep up the good work.
P.S. i like the first design better (out of the two)
My time and my honesty are worth much more than a T-shirt !
Now how about that for an introduction ?!
Not that much more, now that I see what those T-shirts look like : nice, neither eccentric nor dull, just like gHacks readers… and authors! I still prefer the band on the red one, but not obvious.
gHacks? I like this blog for mainly two reasons.
One, is the information provided, technical and objective ;
Two, the authors’ state of mind, as I perceive it, expression of a character which is far from what seems to be standardized opinions on too many websites. Europe is indeed here affirmed and confirmed in it’s touch of independence.
That’s all for today, folks!