ParisLemon And The Last Podcast! join Grand Effect

You know that I'm a honest person and when I first heard about the two new additions to the Grand Effect network I had the following thoughts: Paris Lemon sounded like a hot French chick ( sorry girls) and I was anxious to get a first picture when I woke up from my pleasant daydream to find out that it was a blog by MG Siegler about tech and new media. So, no hot girl but a damn good blog which is something that I can live with since I prefer content over looks anytime, anywhere..
I honestly have not heard about The Last Podcast before which is surely going to change now. I was not able to locate Podcasts there which is kinda freaking me out.. just a little bit. He does seem to provide an interesting perspective about (mainly) Web 2.0. So, two plus four makes six: Grand Effect (I almost wrote Grand Central, wonder how I came up with that) is now home to six blogs that cover a variety of topics.
What I like is that we will remain who we are. This will never be a big anonymous network with hundreds of blogs, it will remain small and exclusive and I'm looking forward to getting to know each and everyone of our network.
Here is the list of all blogs that are a member of Grand Effect:
SheGeeks, Sarah in Tampa, eXtra for Every Publisher, ParisLemon, The Last Podcast! and of course yours truly..
Update: The Last Podcast website is no longer available, it returns a 404 not found error. It seems as if the project is dead or at least put on ice. As a consequence, the link has been removed from this article.