Windows Vista SP1 will annoy Pirates
Microsoft revealed some changes to their Windows Genuine Advantage protection scheme for Windows Vista which determines if the copy of Windows Vista is legit. A non validated Windows Vista operating system reduces its functionality after 30 days and make only security updates available to the system.
Service Pack 1 will change that behavior. On the good side the functionality will remain and will no longer be reduced, on the bad site this will be compensated by nag screens known from shareware programs that nag the user to buy the application after x days. Windows will use those nag screens and have a 15 second timer before users will be able to click on Activate Later to continue working on the system.
Users will still only be able to download system security patches for the system, all other downloads will fail like before. Users who have been using the Bios or Clock Timer hack to activate Windows Vista illegally will face troubles as well. The Service Pack 1 has been configured to detect those system hacks now which has consequences for users who applied those hacks on their systems.
Those users will only face the same nag screens like all other users who did not activate their system in time. I think it is fairly interesting that users of non-activated Vista operating systems will get better deals to purchase a copy of Vista than users who bought the operating system from retailers.
Windows Vista Ultimate retails for $329 at Amazon currently while the offer for non activated versions can be purchased for $199. So, users who like bargains probably will download Vista, use it for 30 days and purchase it for a lower price afterwards.
The change makes Windows Genuine Advantage more forgiving when a non-verified operating system is detected. This may be a reaction on outages and glitches that affected legitimate customers negatively.
i did it too
but when i formated my pc again the activate is died and tried to search again nothing work
it will activate u once!
microsoft really work hard more than crackerz do
100,000,000 copies of Vista outhere from the manufacturing using bios method for activation. Hey Bill! Don’t you dare to turn off just one of them?
I’s no differece compare to bios emulation. The dangrous thing is which one is to be turn off!
*Sigh* Pirates will find a way around it. Sorry, that’s just how it’s gonna be…Microsoft will soon fall, sadly.
I did it!
Vista SP1 Activated…
No crack, bios emu, or any other shit needed… I took the serial from my boss…
Here go the hack to download windows vista sp1 rc1 though windows update build 6001.17052 v.668
@echo off
reg delete HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\VistaSp1 /f > NUL 2>&1
reg delete HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\VistaSP1 /f > NUL 2>&1
reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\VistaSp1 /v Beta1 /t REG_SZ /d 536ee5c2-e79d-420d-a589-c8ab115f35c3 /f
IF NOT %errorlevel% == 0 ( goto ERROR)
echo ===========================================================
echo Windows Vista SP1 registry key has been set successfully.
echo Please check for updates in Windows Update.
echo ===========================================================
goto END
echo ===========================================================
echo FAILED to set Windows Vista SP1 registry keys.
echo Please run this script by right clicking and selecting
echo “Run as Administrator”.
echo ===========================================================
goto END
lol coughBScough
I work for Microsoft at Redmond, WA and we’re confident that Vista SP1 will be absolutely foolproof. From what I’ve heard from some of the software engineers from the security department, SP1 has gone through our QA testing to ensure that our new WGA cannot be compromised by any known methods. We had black/white/blue hats trying to break the system, yet all were futile.
With the advanced technologies, abundant power and wealth of Microsoft, there can be no victories for hackers. Face it haters, Vista SP1 is PERFECT!
A new Christmas present for some bored hackers.
Some kid of 13 will crack it is 15 minutes.
Then notice 150 other holes Micro$oft ‘forgot to fix.’
They might as well give up they are beating a very dead horse.
As we all know Windows.
A lot of people call hackers bad news.
Just think though,….”If it was not for these hacker’s none us would have really ever know how nasty Windows is with holes. Can you count all the patches over the years from 3.1 to Windows XP?.”
I bet a few days after this new version is out, it will be hacked.
there is already a bios emulation crack that fools
SP1 Beta!
Someone will figure out how to undo the “annoyance”, just give them time.
Hahahahahaha :D
So legit users will have still same problems, and pirates still none? ;)
Yea it will annoy them all for about an hour then microsoft will have another arms race like they have with WGA on XP