Find Songs from bands and artists

Martin Brinkmann
Nov 18, 2007
Updated • Apr 22, 2014
Music, Music and Video

Songza is a music search engine that searches websites for music of the artist, band or song that you enter into the search form on the site. Most interesting is the fact that they mainly search YouTube for those artists or songs. Don't yell at me just yet, this is not another "Search YouTube, display Videos" type of website.

Instead of displaying the videos they only play the music of the videos getting effectively rid of the video part. The music is still transferred as flv files and I suppose they just found a way to reduce the video player to zero on their website. The concept is great however and navigation feels much faster this way.

The website is making good use of Ajax and songs can be added to playlists, shared with friends, watched at Youtube and rated. The only real problem that I see is that there is no information on the length of the songs. We all know that some guys upload 20 second clips taken with their mobile phones.

It would be really nice if the duration of each song would be displayed there as well.

Update: Songza is no longer available to a worldwide audience. A notification on the web page informs users from outside the United States and Canada that the service is no longer available due to licensing constraints.

You can leave your email address on the page to receive an email when they open service in your country. Only users from the US and Canada can use the service right now.

Update 2: You are now taken to a subdomain when you load the website. Here you find a daily selection of artists that you can listen to. There is unfortunately no option anymore to search for artists or do anything besides browsing the selection that is curated for you by the Songza team.

If you want more control, try Internet Radio instead which offers what Songza offered years ago.


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  1. Syber said on November 20, 2007 at 12:45 pm

    I think Songza just hides video on its site. I download media file from it that shows whole video.

  2. Pepijn said on November 18, 2007 at 9:37 pm

    The time is displayed lower right corner……

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