Looking for Animated Gifs? Try Giftube
There are two types of clones of successful website concepts on the web. The first copies the concept and publishes a similar website under a different name, the second copies part of the name and the concept over to another area.
Giftube is trying the latter by being the 'YouTube' for Gifs, that is small animated graphics that have been pestering Internet users ever since the first animated gif was released on the web back in the dark ages of the Internet.
If you are hanging out on forums and places like Myspace or 4Chan that seem to drown in animated gifs you may want to give Giftube a try to find new graphics to impress, or terrorize, others with. The website offers several categories and ways to sort and display animated gifs.
Four categories (funny, famous, sport and cartoon) wait to be explored. The search is tag based and the usual popular and recent sections make it even easier to spot what is new or popular at the moment.
Clicking on the "Show Adult" button reveals lots of hardcore animated gifs, not sure where someone would want to use those though. All animated gifs can be embedded to websites, as you can see below.
Please note that the site is NSFW. If you are unfamiliar with the term, it means Not Safe For Work. You can embed the images directly, or download them to your computer first to use them locally or on other sites.
I suggest you use the search on the site to find particular topics you are interested in, like dogs, cats or skateboards to only get those results. If you are just browsing, try the featured or popular gifs section instead on the site.
The Reddit gif image gallery on Imgur is an alternative that you may want to explore as well. Considering that Reddit gets a lot of visitors, it is without doubt one of the largest repositories for animated gifs on the Internet.
Pro tip: Find out how to block animated gifs in Firefox automatically.

Ok Mr. Brinkman I’m not the fastest runner in the race or the brightest light in the bag. So bear with me. How does one transfer the animated gifs from the various sites. I would like to use one as an avatar ?
You right-click on the gif and select Save As.
Thanks a Ton. Thanks for the great articles.
They get most of their stuff from http://www.JJ.AM
Awesome site!!