Comment Spam without URLs

Martin Brinkmann
Sep 26, 2007
Updated • Mar 14, 2015

I have seen the topic make the Digg frontpage and I was wondering why it exactly did make it. A little bit of common sense which every webmaster should have is all that is needed to know what this new spam  spree is all about.

If you do run a website you might have come upon comments that are posted that contain one sentence saying something unrelated but positive about the website or webmaster. Those comments can be clearly identified as spam because they do not add to the discussion or article in any way.

What is happening here is that spammers are trying to get some bonus points from the spam filter of the website so that the next attempt at posting an entry with an url does not get blacklisted or queued for moderation automatically.

This would be indeed be a great spam preparation method if they would use unique comments on each blog that they want to post comments with links on later on. Since it is not possible to do this and spam thousands of blogs per hour, they have to rely on nice remarks about the website which surely pleases some webmasters enough to keep the comment.

It does not really matter if their intention is to get some positive karma or train the spam filter to accept certain words that are used in the comments. The reason behind this is to get on the good side of the spam filter when future comments get posted.

A better variant would be for instance to ask a question which would surely have a much higher rate of being kept. "I did not really understand what you have been writing. Could you please elaborate it a little bit more?" or sentences like that would probably result in a higher success rate.

I generally delete all content that is either not related to the article that I have written or that does not feel right. Someone who uses 'Budget Web Host' as a name is surely to get blacklisted at my site pretty quickly.


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