Everton and several other users are publishing their blog earnings every month and I thought that I would do a similar thing with the exception that I will not publish the absolute numbers but only the percentage of what the service is earning. I feel not that comfortable to reveal my earnings in dollars because I feel that it belongs to my private life.
Just ask yourself the question if you would reveal what you earn with your job on your website. Would you do that ? I'm still able to write about winners and losers, changes that I made and how they effected the earnings and my biggest earners and programs that do not earn that much.
Without further ado, here are my blog earnings for June 2007, the numbers in brackets are the figures for June and May:
- Google Adsense (58,95% / 55,79%) - my biggest earner with more than 50% of all the earnings of this blog. I had a nice increase in earnings with Google Adsense this month mainly because of a rise in eCPM. What I really don't like is that fluctuation from one day to another can be quite high.
- Google Adsense Referrals (2,79% / 2,83%) - as I pointed out earlier those are all Firefox referrals. These continue to work very well for my blog.
- Google Adsense Search (0,17% / 0,35%) - pretty disappointing. I will remove Google Adsense for Search and replace it with the best wordpress search available. It is not worth it and does not fit in my blog anyway.
- Tribalfusion (3,87% / 3,01%) - this one is on the rise and I think it will do much better in July. The last seven days have seen an increase of about 300% and I hope this continues in July. This will become my third biggest money maker. I did add a rectangle at the end of every article which seems to pay a lot better than those 468*60 banners.
- Intellitxt (22,45% / 23,94%) - what can I say. A great income resource and I'm eternally thankful that Everton recommended me. I'm able to recommend you and your website if you have at least 250000 pageviews a month with it. (blogs are fine but sites with not enough content like video sites and forums are not)
- Direct Ad Sales (0,64% / 0,80%) - not really worth mentioning. I might remove them together with the Google Search. I'd love to make some direct ad sales like Everton did but I personally feel that it is unlikely at the moment.
I think I’m doing very well on TLA because I’m one of the highest ranking sites with a address.
Direct ad sales – no idea as they’ve all come via approaches. I guess my link is prominient and I link to my page a lot so I guess readers have got the message.
RG that was exactly my intention. I know that full figures would have been more impressive but I don’t feel like giving them out.
The next best thing is giving out percentages which clearly is a way to compare earnings even for smaller blogs.
I try to spread my earnings so that the earnings from Adsense drop below 50% without a drop in revenue of course. That is my next goal.
And I want to explore Direct Ad Sales more plus Text Link Ads. Everton is doing very well there and I think I have lots of room for improvement there.
Interesting numbers Martin. As to if one should post these publicly, I guess if you are giving details like percentages it serves as a good tool for other bloggers to compare and learn. Thanx.
Alter Falter I do not think that many Firefox users actually know about extensions at all. They are happy to use it and that’s it.
Only a minority is using Adblock Plus and those are the ones that would not click on ads anyway.
I don’t understand the collaboration between Google and Firefox: If you use Firefox with Adblock Plus enabled you won’t see any Google AdSense ads anymore. Very strange, hmm?
I fully understand that OLIRC. It is always better to be on the safe side when you are connected to the Internet.
Good to hear Martin so i don’t have to be ashamed :) of my browsing habits but i feel somewhat more secure when i’m in controll of which sites i trust runnin script on and not as i have had my share of infections from sites when running IE and some script kicked in and bam i had some program installed i didn’t wanted + the registry had been altered regarding rights m anagments so i couldn’t change in the registry as i wanted to get rid of that pesky non wanted program.
In the end i had to do a format and a new install of XP as i couldn’t fix the problem despite several attempts to fix it after advise from several sites.
OLIRC no it does not affect my earnings at all. I’m always thinking that long time visitors only help me gain pageviews but those naturally do not click on ads that often, if at all.
Intellitxt? Oh you mean those annoying links in the text. Too bad i use FF and some helping tools to get rid of it.
Don’t know if it affects your income or not if i don’t allow scripts on your site?
oh, hehe, you are right, I missed that one completely. Should be at around 1,2% :)
And what about Giganews ? It’s pretty good on my blog.
I agree Martin. If Connected Internet was my living I wouldn’t post my earnings – not even my family know how much I make in my real job!
Lennart I’m currently in the process to change it from hobby to job :)
Everton, I’m not sure why they have been so low but if the trend continues the figures will rise to about three times of what I have been earning the last month. So, this is definitely on the rise.
I really do not know why they have been so low before the last seven days..
I’m glad that intellitxt is working out for you as well. It’s much more reliable than adsense and is helping smooth the adsense fluctuations.
Did you have tribalfusion running for the whole month? I’m surprised the numbers are so low. I wonder if your categories are holding you back?
Maybe i missed it, but do you ‘make’ghacks as a living or as of a hobby?