Don't like a website? Destroy it..

Martin Brinkmann
Jul 25, 2006
Updated • May 9, 2013

Yeah this sounds crazy at first glance but a friend of mine and I thought of something similar just a few days ago. So, let us destroy some websites. My first target: Microsoft, the weapon: Muddy Footprints. After approximately one minute the complete site was full of mud. Great, now something more devastating. I placed some nasty land mines on the website of my good old friend Derryck from connectedinternet.

That really had to hurt. You have a friend whose site you want to destroy? Go to or Destroy Sites, enter the url of the target, select your weapon of choice from (30 / 16) different including gunshots, kisses, ant hills, tomatoes and a haunting. Turn sounds on or off and select to auto destruct the site or manually destroy it. Hit go and the site will face serious damage: Virtually of course. Netdisaster features additional weapons such as meteors, a razor, god or a chainsaw. I suggest you visit this website if you want to see the full arsenal of weapons.

Manual destruction is way harder, you have to find the spots that you can click to execute the action. My suggestion, use auto destruct, lean back and watch how the computer does the work for you. No harm was done to websites during the creation of this article.

The developers of Netdisaster have created a desktop application that you can run on your PC to destroy your desktop. If you are a webmaster, you can also embed the code on your website to give visitors a chance to destroy it.

The second service, Destroy Sites, has been discontinued, and the site it was posted on is no longer available. We have therefor removed the link from this article as it is no longer necessary.

Update: Netdisaster is no longer available as an online service that you can run to destroy any website you enter into the form on the service's page. The developers have created a Chrome extension that you can make use of to destroy websites you stumble upon. Extensions for other browsers are unfortunately not available.


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  1. fucksubscene said on July 4, 2022 at 8:00 pm

    I want a REAL website destroyer!!!!! Not some stupid game.

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