Find public toilets with Flush for Android

Martin Brinkmann
Feb 5, 2016
Updated • Jan 11, 2016
Google Android

Flush is a free application for Google Android devices that provides you with options to find public toilets quickly.

The app may use your current location for its searches if you allow it to access location information, or you may enter a location directly to display information about public toilets this way.

The application uses information of its users to list public restrooms, and one of the core features that it makes available is an option to report a public toilet and to add a new one to the listing.

Flush review

Flush displays all public toilets on a map overlay once you have searched for a location or let the app detect yours automatically.

flush public toilet

You can zoom in and out using the map, and tap on individual icons to display information about the location.

Information may more or less be non-existent (toilet and nothing else) or informative (accessibility, fee, key required and description).

In addition, depending on country and language, you may get garbled text instead of a title. This happened while browsing public toilets in Tokyo, Japan where it was impossible to read even the title of some of the locations.

You may tap on a location to get directions, or use the Google Maps icon to display the location if Google Maps is installed on the device.

The directions option opens a selection menu of the Android device where you are asked to pick a suitable app to get directions.

This means that Flush itself won't provide directions and that you need access to another app for that.

Closing Words

The creator of Flush claims that the current database has a size of over 100,000 entries, and that the number increases constantly as users are using the app.

What I do like about the application is that it works offline so that you can find the nearest public restroom even if you have no connection to the Internet at that time.

Most major cities of the world are covered, but there are plenty of blank spaces as well on the map. You should not expect to find a lot of hits in most parts of Africa for example, and it is probably the case that you find more toilets listed in New York alone than in Africa as a whole.

It is therefore a good idea to run the application before you travel to another location to make sure it helps you in those places. Makes no sense to use it of it's database holds no entries for public restrooms in your location.

Then again, you could start adding some if you run across them and find the app valuable.

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Author Rating
3.5 based on 3 votes
Software Name
Flush Public Toilet Finder
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  1. anaemic said on February 7, 2016 at 10:08 pm

    @Don Gateley People got along fine before Smartphones and Apps. I think you are taking this too seriously and need to lighten up.

  2. MR Hankey said on February 7, 2016 at 9:21 pm

    Up periscope and olfactory review options available?

  3. Don Gateley said on February 7, 2016 at 12:40 am

    Where I live the homeless problem is so bad that business establishments limit access to customers only. An app like this is a godsend. I have a hard time understanding all the negativity until I consider the number of assholes this site seems to attract.

  4. anaemic said on February 6, 2016 at 1:21 am

    I don’t need an App that tracks when I use public toilets! Just use your commonsense and find a toilet yourself.

  5. ken said on February 5, 2016 at 7:34 pm

    I worked in NYC. Was very hard walking between customers. Grand Central Station was almost impossible
    to find one.

  6. S2015 said on February 5, 2016 at 7:27 pm

    well, tech or app development should make itself easy for users. that’s it. think big, earn BIG $ LOL

  7. Andrew said on February 5, 2016 at 6:40 pm

    This app is kind of like insurance. You hope you ever really need it, but dammit are you glad when you do need it. I only hope you can edit it if the toilet is “broken” as a lot of gas stations like to say

  8. George P. Burdell said on February 5, 2016 at 3:53 pm

    Here is another excellent (and amusing) source for where to go:

    Also, does anyone know if the following is genuine, or a spoof?

  9. CHEF-KOCH said on February 5, 2016 at 12:27 pm

    I not understand why someone need such app, why not go into an MCDonalds or restaurant because they get’s more often cleaned.

    1. Andrew said on February 5, 2016 at 6:34 pm

      Because usually those places close.

    2. Susan B said on February 5, 2016 at 5:16 pm

      Maybe they don’t go there because they don’t have one of the special apps which tell them where to find MCDon or other restaurants. Of course they could open their eyes or ask somebody. But god forbid, … talking to a real human, oh dear, think about all the consequences. But back to the poopapp: it actually can come in handy if travelling through Germany. Because there you can’t just go in a restaurant and give them what you don’t want anymore. The toilets are usually for guests only. I learned it the hard way. So yes, this app can make a lot of sense and so do others, too despite of my little rant about appoholics. :)

  10. Adithya FRK said on February 5, 2016 at 11:41 am

    Nice attempt and should be appreciated but sorry,i have no use of it. This would be even better if the coverage increased.

    1. Frank said on February 5, 2016 at 12:50 pm

      Wait until you get older. This app will be worth its weight in gold.

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