Park me Right for Android: never forget where you parked your car again

Martin Brinkmann
Nov 5, 2012
Updated • Nov 5, 2012
Apps, Google Android

Have you ever had troubles locating your parked car? Maybe you drove with it to another city for a job interview or shopping and forgot where you parked it exactly. Or things became blurry after a night out with the guys and you have found yourself in a Hangover-like situation where you simply could not remember where you parked your car. It can also be useful for remote outdoor activities or large parking areas of malls or sport events.

Park Me Right: Car Locator is a free application for Android that does away with all of that uncertainty, at least if you use the app to save the position of your car when you park it.

To use the application simply run it after you have parked your car. A click on the save button uses the built-in GPS of your phone or tablet to save the location you are currently standing in. The app saves the location once the position has been located within a radius of 98 feet or less. You can bypass the requirement if you do not want to wait that long and save the location using a larger radius. While that is certainly faster, it may also mean that you will spend more time searching for the car in the end.

park me right car locator

Depending on your location and reception, it may take some time to get a fixed position that you can save. When you want to return, simply start the application again and click on the find car button to open the car locater part of the application.

There are actually two ways to locate the car. The first displays your car's location on Google Maps which you can use to track it down. This is likely the better option as you see street names and other places on the map that can help you orientate. The app displays your location and the car's location on the map.

car locater

The second mode is interactive. It is actually the default option when you select the find car button of the app. It displays a small radar on the lower right corner and a what the device's camera picks up.

save car location

There is also a parking space finder which may be useful in certain situations, an option to share your car's location with friends on Facebook, Foursquare or Twitter, or by using SMS. The latter option can be useful if you share the car with other family members or drivers and want to let the next driver know about the location of the car.

Park Me Right has been designed for locating your parked car, but you can actually use it for other purposes as well. Maybe you are on holiday or a business trip and want to save the location of your hotel to have no troubles finding it later on.

It is all in all a useful application for car owners and for a number of other purposes.


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