Google Image Relinker

Martin Brinkmann
Jul 25, 2009
Updated • Feb 4, 2013
Google, Image

Google Image Search is a very comprehensive image search engine. It basically works the same way as the standard Google search with the difference that image thumbnails are displayed as results on the results pages. Additional information like the domain name the image was posted on or the size of the image are displayed on the result pages as well. Filters allow the user to find images that match certain criteria like resolutions or colors.

One aspect of Google Image Search that is bugging many users is that it does not link directly to the image but to a Google page that displays the website containing the image in a frame. This means that users need to click on the image to be taken to the framed page where they can either scroll until they find the image or click on the image that is displayed on top to display the full sized image.

The script basically safes time by allowing the user to view the image directly from the search result pages. A link to the framed version (which is the default way) is provided as well. Google Image Relinker is an interesting userscript for those users who work with the Google Image Search engine regularly.

Update: The original script no longer works, which is why we have removed the download link from the article. You can use Google Images direct links instead, a userscript that is actively maintained and offering the same functionality.

Google recently changed the way its image search engine is displaying results. The script that is linked under update is still working fine on the most recent version of Google Images Search.


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  1. Harkonenn said on July 27, 2009 at 4:31 pm

    This is a fantastic time & click saver! Thank you very much!

  2. Robert Palmar said on July 25, 2009 at 7:55 pm

    Right on, Martin.

    Highly recommended.
    Been using it for a while
    and it’s the best of the breed.

    There is another for Yahoo as well:

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