O3Find Star Office Full Text Search

Martin Brinkmann
Oct 9, 2008
Microsoft Office, Software, Windows, Windows software

O3Find is a standalone Open Source application for Windows that can be installed or used as a portable application that can perform full text searches on Open Office and Star Office documents. To offer even more choice the application comes as a GUI and command line version.

The application supports searching multiple folders and files and can search through document metadata such as author or properties and the text in the documents. Besides that it can also search for other document formats like plain text and Microsoft Office files.

The graphical user interface looks pretty much like the Windows 95 search box with the option to pick all or specific file types, select the root folder and the phrase. The command line version supports additional parameters that makes it possible to apply a command to all discovered files or to highlight the lines where the phrase occurred.

The software developer is currently working on support for Open Office 2 documents which is currently not available. If Open Office 2 support is requested Windows users could install the IFilterShop plugin that can search those files as well and implements in Windows Search.


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  1. Asher said on October 11, 2008 at 4:11 am

    can it search txt files? say log files?

  2. outlookuser said on October 10, 2008 at 12:35 am

    Hi, Nice tool, do you know one for Outlook?
    but not Desktop search or Windows search, im looking for one who’s specific for outlook?


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