Winamp Auto Tagger

Martin Brinkmann
Aug 3, 2008
Updated • Dec 3, 2012
Music, Software

Winamp has been one of the applications in the past that belonged to a set of software programs that I installed automatically after setting up a new operating system. This has changed in the last two years because I did switch from Winamp to XMPlay which is only using half of the resources that Winamp Lite is using when playing music. (4 MB vs. 10 MB vs. 17MB of memory and 4 MB vs 6 MB vs 10MB of virtual memory)

Stefan (German blog) however discovered a very nice feature of Winamp that I also did not know about. It's not the uber-feature that would drive me back to Winamp but it's very handy. I'm talking about the Winamp Auto Tagger which can automatically tag selected music tracks by looking them up in Gracenote music database.

Some notes about the process: Winamp Lite users seem to only be able to tag one music track at a time which could mean lots of work if you want to tag many tracks. Just right-click a track and select View File Info from the menu. That opens a new window that is displaying the tags of the selected mp3 track and the Auto-Tag button at the lower right corner.

Users of Winamp Full can use the Send To entry from the right-click context menu to tag multiple music tracks at once.


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  1. Anupam said on August 8, 2008 at 10:32 pm

    Winamp 5.541 is recently released. I have a question… whats the difference between Winamp Lite and the Winamp Full version? I have been downloading the full version till now. Would like to know about the lite version, as i think Winamp has become bloated.

  2. neem said on August 6, 2008 at 10:50 am

    Ha! Glad to help archer.. and as you know, neem is truly “nature’s pharmacy”

  3. archer said on August 5, 2008 at 6:48 pm

    wow, neem, i owe you big time.

    at first i wasn’t too excited because probably over half of my music is in flac, but when i found that flac and ogg and many more are also supported, i was ecstatic. they really should change the name to universal tag editor.

    this works as well as your oil does on my gums!

  4. Neem said on August 4, 2008 at 6:44 am

    @ Archer.. I use MP3Tag.. a fantastic tagging program which does what you’re requesting and more..

    Combined with Winamp’s Auto Tagger and AudioShell, it’s all I use for tagging and organizing my music.

  5. djalminho said on August 3, 2008 at 9:58 pm

    I’ve been using Winamp since years or decades^^ and I’ve never found a reason to change, I checked out different media players but if I want to listen to musik I chose Winamp. I’ve got tons of mp3s and I use to sort them in my own way so I do not need MediaMonkey or iTunes. The AutoTag feature is great.

  6. Stefan said on August 3, 2008 at 9:50 pm

    Nice Feature, especially since I’m still a Winamp-User…

    and btw (OT): Great Song ^^ Check out Illdisposed’s new Album as well, “The Prestige”, I think you’ll love it, especially Track 6.. “Like Cancer” ..hmhmmhm :)=

  7. archer said on August 3, 2008 at 6:35 pm

    martin, do you know of an app that will apply tags from a text file? and, conversely, one that can export tags to file.

  8. Keule said on August 3, 2008 at 5:41 pm

    I switched back to Winamp from XMPlay, because XMPlay had some problems when playing 3D games like Guild Wars. The music always stopped for one to three seconds and continued playing then.

    I’ll wait for Amarok V2 to come for Windows (the official way!).

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