
Martin Brinkmann
Jul 28, 2008
Updated • Dec 4, 2012
Music, Music and Video

Favtape has received some news coverage lately and basically everything that can be said has been said about this website where users can share their favorited and bookmarked songs of their Last.fm and Pandora accounts.

Well the service got updated a while ago and is now displaying the top songs of every year from 1901 onwards to 2008. Each year holds hundreds of songs that can be played fully on the website. Talk about an awesome way to discover new music or listen to old classics that you grew up with.

Besides that they have added the Top 100 iTunes songs and the Top 100 iTunes Rap / Hip Hop songs to their website.

I personally do not use Pandora or Last.fm but still find Favtape pretty useful for the mentioned reason.

Update: Favtape is no longer available. While the domain still exists, it now lists eBay music album sales instead of the services that were previously offered on it. It is suggested to visit Last.fm or Pandora Radio directly instead to access some of the information that were previously offered by the service.

You can for instance check up on your friends on Last.fm to see which songs they have been listening to lately or which music they have recently discovered and liked. The site offers music recommendations as well which you may find useful and charts that list the top hyped tracks, artists and loved tracks of a particular week. This is excellent for music discovery, even though you mainly find mainstream acts and songs listed on the page and not the next great artist that no one knows right now.


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