Foto Sketcher

Martin Brinkmann
Jul 25, 2008
Image, Software, Windows

Foto Sketcher provides access to some interesting picture filtering techniques that professionals who use Adobe Photoshop on a daily basis will (probably) laugh about. Untalented folks like me one the other hand like the effects that can be produced in no time with little effort. It's all about a few sliders actually.

Foto Sketcher provides access to those filters in real time. The user loads a picture from his computer and the software will display the original image on the left and a preview of the resulting image on the right. Effects range from Pencil Sketch that you see in the picture below to pen & ink sketches and paintings.

Each effect comes with a few sliders that manipulate settings like Edge intensity, Color Blending or how dark / light the resulting image should be.

The results look incredible if you play around with the sliders for a while. The default settings produced for instance a mediocre pencil sketch of a person but after playing around with the settings for a while the result was astonishing.


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  1. darkkosmos said on July 25, 2008 at 3:12 pm

    Well I’m laughing at the effects, I suggest you don’t use this for anything professional. (It’s like using clip arts during a huge conference).

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