Ask The Readers: Mobile Device Recommendation

Martin Brinkmann
Jul 12, 2008
Updated • Dec 1, 2012
Mobile Computing

I want to buy a new mobile device and think that the best way to find one that suits my needs is to ask the readers here at Ghacks. If a device like this exists you will surely know about it recommend the best fit for my needs. I will start this article by describing what I want to do with the mobile device and what it has to support. Those are the two most important aspects. At the end I will list those things that I do not need necessarily and that I do not need at all.

Since it is a mobile device I would like to be able to check my emails, manage my web server using SSH, connect to the Internet and write articles for my websites. The device has to support WLAN and make use of a QWERTY keyboard. I could live with an add-on keyboard that has to be purchased separately.

The device should be lightweight. I'm not sure if all those sub-notebooks like the Asus EeePC or MSI Wind fit the bill, prefer something for the pocket instead. It does not have to be state of the art as long as it does the job. The performance has to be sufficient for the tasks and there should not be huge delays because of a lack of CPU power or system memory.

I do no need Bluetooth, Infrared, games, multimedia features, GPS, a Touchscreen, Radio, TV, a Digital Camera.

I have one alternative. I could replace my Nokie N73 phone with a new one that is providing the features that I need plus offering phone capabilities. The advantage for me would be that I would only need one device that I could carry around and not two.

My guess is that it will be a device with the Windows Mobile 6.1 operating systems but I'm open for other suggestions. What would you recommend me to get ?


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  1. Matt said on July 14, 2008 at 5:34 pm

    I’ll sell you my OQO model 02 with a bunch of extras (double capacity battery and cases and stuff) for $900 US plus shipping. No idea what international shipping would be. My work recently gave me a laptop so I use it less and less, but it’s the best thing since sliced bread.

  2. Rarst said on July 13, 2008 at 11:18 am

    >Rarst that device looks pretty nice, it’s a bit pricey though. Not sure yet if I would pay 750€ for it.

    I think it is supposed to be around 750$ not euro in Taiwan and prices for other countries are not set yet. And that’s why I asked about price range, mobility costs. :)

    >Avi the HTC Touch Diamond looks interesting as well, I read some reviews about it and it seems to be a great device. My mobile phone company is offering that one as well if I renew my contract.

    More of an image device, battery life was sacrificed which is important mobility factor.

    Anyway I am waiting for all-out war between all those netbooks/mids which should sort out best and kill expensive. :) Also shipment lag is huge to where are live, eeepc701 only appeared for sale in late spring and newer models are nowhere in sight.

    PS after year+ of using Nokia E60 I am pretty tired of Symbian. It’s very locked platform which is pain to develop for so choice of applications suck and choice of freeware almost zero. It’s truly smartphone – like only tiny bit better than phone. :)

    PPS another thing worth waiting is Android from Google. That company is not ideal but is not known to set itself up for epic failures either. Android may not dominate but is sure to scare market (it already scared those linux for phone alliances and Nokia suddenly decided to buy out and open parts of Symbian).

  3. Martin said on July 13, 2008 at 10:46 am

    Rarst that device looks pretty nice, it’s a bit pricey though. Not sure yet if I would pay 750€ for it.

    Avi the HTC Touch Diamond looks interesting as well, I read some reviews about it and it seems to be a great device. My mobile phone company is offering that one as well if I renew my contract.

    Jopo the Sony Ericsson Xperia X1 was mentioned with the new Nokia N96 and the Apple iPhone 3G lately in a review and it did sound interesting but I would want to test the new Panel touchscreen before I would select it. It’s also pricey like the N96 which comes without Touchscreen.

    Not that I would need one..

  4. trendless said on July 12, 2008 at 5:18 pm

    If you don’t need GPS then you’re best off going with an N800, not the N810; although if you like the thumb-keyboards, the 810 has one and the 800 does not.

  5. Avi said on July 12, 2008 at 4:44 pm

    check out the HTC Touch Diamond. It is expensive, has all those cool features that you don’t want, has a VGA screen and comes preloaded with Opera Mobile 9.5.

  6. vance said on July 12, 2008 at 2:11 pm

    Ilike the new iphone price of 200USD. plus att hidden charges hehehe..

    Theres the new 9inch Asus EEE

    HP Mini! it says to be good

    MSI Wind..

  7. jopo said on July 12, 2008 at 12:18 pm

    Hi Martin,

    I am restlessly waiting for new Sony Ericsson Xperia X1. I was not able to find better device in this category (specialy for screen resolution – 800×480 – great). I guess it will fit all your needs.
    I wili be wondering of your comments for this device.

    with best regards


  8. Thom said on July 12, 2008 at 12:10 pm

    I have been very, very happy with my Nokia N810. It has a few bells and whistles that I never use (a crippled GPS program, camera, Skype capabilities) but overall it’s very useful. I also considered an Eee or something like that when I got the N810 but I decided the portability was too important for that. I was replacing my 3 year old iPaq and I wanted something I could use while I sat on the floor and let my 2 year old twins crawl all over me. Multitasking!

  9. Rarst said on July 12, 2008 at 12:07 pm

    You forgot to mention desired price range, that matters a lot in mobile sector. :)

    If you did consider eeepc/wind class you might want to look at devices like Gigabyte M528:

    It is also x86 based atom platform (with less powerful processor comparing to netbooks) but three times lighter and in smaller form-factor. Previews on it are quite positive so far.

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