Jabbits Ask Questions Get Answers

Martin Brinkmann
Mar 27, 2007
Updated • Jun 1, 2013

Jabbits is a interesting new interactive website that is supposed to be the world's first interactive video website. It can be described as some type of video answers website where one user posts a question and all others reply to it. The major difference to normal written conversations is that everything is recorded on video and can be watched directly on Jabbits.

There are actually three types of questions on Jabbits: Public, Research and Private questions. Public questions come from normal visitors who would like an answer to a question whereas research questions are added by companies who pay users for answer to question that they post on the site. Private questions can only be answered by users who have been invited by the creator of the question to answer it.

All users can watch and access public and research questions and answers without registration on the Jabbits website.

Invite only questions are of course only accessible to users who have been invited. Registering at Jabbits provides you with rights to create questions and answers on the site by recording videos and uploading them to the Jabbits website, or by using online tools to record questions and answers right on the website.

Jabbits does not have that many questions at the moment but this is surely going to rise once the service gets some good reviews from sites like mine, hehe. A question of the day can be accessed as well which is a nice idea. It is possible to react fast on global events and ask a question that will get lots of responses because of the actuality of the question.

Update: Jabbits has been retired and I'm not aware of a comparable service. While not offering the video option, Yahoo Answers seems to be the best option to have your questions answered by other users right now.


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  1. ilo said on March 27, 2007 at 9:00 pm

    Im not shur but fore me this is just a waste off time.

  2. hecaitou said on March 27, 2007 at 6:31 pm


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