Yahoo bought a site I never heard about

Martin Brinkmann
Nov 18, 2006
Updated • May 19, 2013
Internet, Yahoo

Ever heard about Bix? to be precise. Don't be ashamed to admit that you never heard about it. I read about the site today and decided to pay a visit to the website as I never heard about it before and did not really know what it was all about. I always thought I know everything that is going on but it seems that some sites seem to slip through my grasps. Back to Bix: Bix is a contest site that seems to be pretty famous for it's Karaoke contests.

All users of the service can create contests on Bix. Christmas contests seem to be all over the place at the moment, and you win prices if you participate and make first place. Every time you visit a contest the site presents two videos from contestants that you can listen to. After doing that you have to pick one of the two and the pick will get some points. Bix features more contests than just Karaoke contests of course, you can view beauty contests, dance contests, a Capella, writing, photography, lip sync and more contests on the site and it is definitely fun at times to just browse the site and see what it has to offer.

You find many contests within each category. I found some real interesting ones, vote for the hottest Stanford Professor, the sexiest female biker or poems that touch a nerve. Most users will of course watch the Karaoke competitions, for a good laugh. Don't get me wrong. You find talented singers amongst the contestants but also some that are not that great. Just take a look at all those TV shows that are looking for singers, those people participate. Good ones, bad ones, you name it.

If you have the talent you can take part in the contests. I read somewhere that they had contests with prize money of up to $50.000, not bad for some minutes of singing, performing or smiling.

Update: is no longer available as it was shut down by Yahoo on June 30, 2009.


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  1. nellydoom said on November 18, 2006 at 8:10 pm

    ive heard of the site. only because the game has a contest through it on his myspace page.

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